Krieg’s mask has bonus -1 s cooldown to War Cry. Fleshwarped Casque has -3 s to War Cry and Mythical Warborn Visor has also - 3 s to War Cry. Krieg set is in no way OP and -3 s to War Cry would be helpful and more consistent.
I personally think that instead of making yet another Soldier set give permanent war cry, it could also enable the player to get full DR uptime via the stomp (krieg’s wrath or whatever it’s called) making the player not have to use WC at all when they use the full set. This would be nice for aether variants at least, where break morale is useless.
That is also a possibility and another one is for War Cry to have 5 s cooldown by default…
That would make too much Soldier builds OP imo. I like Rekt’s idea, perhaps not for fulltime DR but at least shift the focus more towards the granted skill
Granted skill change by the set seems to be the best idea. It will even free some points when using Necro. You don’t have to go for Ill Omen then…
The set could also get some CC res… Trap and petrify ideally. Others can be obtained.
Exactly and with ideally you want to cast as less spells as possible with such a build not to interrupt cadence
Other possibility is changing the flat RR for Reckless Power to damage reduction. That flat RR is redundant when it is on the skill from the set.
Leave the flat RR to Reckless Power on Krieg set alone, thank you very much.
And the reason?
Because not everyone wants to the use Krieg’s Wrath, specially not my ranged aether characters.