Krieg's set on very end-game

Just wondering their current state since there are no posts about builds using kriegs set on high SR or cruci. Also, what are your opinion about the bonemonger set?

Kriegs with mindwarp and wall of the dead build is still pretty good. 75-76 SR runs are pretty decent dpends on what bosses that spawns.

Nice to hear! Are you using DK or battlemage?

I’m doing 70-71 just fine with this build: , 75-76 is also viable but not really worth the extra risk. Mogdrogen is a joke, don’t need tonics if you timing is good.

You need to pull properly though, if you fail and have to fight 3 or 4 at the same time it’s basically hold your LMB and pray, although I’ve never encountered an impossible boss room that I just can’t beat.