For the past years my city has plenty (20+) laborers but they dont clear the construction sites from trees and bushes, no buildings can be constructed. I tried to empty more laborers, at some point I had over 50, but the problem doesnt seem to fix. Also my city is filled with dead villager icons after I built two crypts (even though capacity limit hasnt been reached).
Does this state persist if you reload the game?
Ive been having the same issue and yes it persists even after reload the only solution ive found is to use the labor camps to clear whole areas bare enough to build. Ive had the issue in every city ive made tbh started to think it was a feature.
Please upload a save with the issue then.
Saves are located in:
C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Documents\my games\Farthest Frontier\Save
Zip up the entire TownName_###### folder along with the .map file and .sav that reproduces the issue. If the files are too big, you can use a service such as Google Drive to share it with us.
This is on Build ID: 1273464
Steam client, no mods
please lmk if theres anything else i can send in to help
So right off the bat, I see that your town is low on laborers and has a LOT of requests to clear build sites, harvest resources, and build new buildings. You have so many build orders going, it takes 77 builders to manage it (your town is set to 25).
I think you may be trying to do too much at once with the population you have.
Try trimming down your work load for laborers, have less build sites going at the same time. That should let them catch up.
Yea i thought it could be PBC (problem behind computer) so i started a new town on passive n kept a higher laborer n builder count (70-90 n 45-60 respectively) n it has been goin much much smoother. had one issue when the laborers wouldnt bury the dead but re-loading solved that.
Looking forward to the future development of the game idk who sold their soul to optimize it but im in love with it
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