hello, is it normal that over the years, in the late game, the population becomes unbalanced and more people die than are born? I put unlimited population, I have space for 2288 people, currently I am at 1500~
I reached that population limit, but people have already begun to die and it is a lot at once, between 40 and 70 per year and only between 15 and 20 are born
population difference per year, game in peaceful mode
I am having this issue as well. It appears that for the past 50 years my population has hovered between 1690 and 1740, but has been dropping more with people dying of old age and not enough being born to replace them. You are probably like me using the Tears artifact for population growth, but I also used the eat less and food lasts longer artifacts to ensure I have 15+ months of food on top of 100% happiness + religion + entertainment + 500 home spaces. Still, 50 years and it remains stagnant at the 1700’s area.
Seems somewhere around the 1700 population mark the game refuses to allow population growth.
Late game births and immigration even at 1k pop seemed to plateau out. It’s probably an easy fix they will get to as this is the first time they changed limit
Did some figure-collecting in my latest (0.9 - 0.9.a) build, and the plateau seems to start when I reach Tier 4.
Early in the game, I regularly had groups of 4 - 6 - 11 Immigrants every single year. They would even arrive when the Extra Food Stocks were below 6, which never happened in previous versions, as long as I had lots (25 to 100%) of extra housing.
Starting as soon as I hit Tier 4, I kept a precise track of a 5-year span, and Immigration totals per year were:
1 - 11 - 1 - 0 - 1. The ‘11’ was a single group of 9 plus 2 individuals. The 9 arrived when I had +10 months of Food and 20% extra Housing on hand, but having the same levels of housing and food available in other years had 0 effect.
The ratio of Births to Deaths (not counting Animal or Raider attacks) in the same years were:
+4 - +9 - +6 - +3 - +14 or a total of 36 more population in 5 years.
Total population at the start of the series was 586, at the end 617, so a total increase of 31 in 5 years (had losses in 2 Raids and some Bear attacks). I estimate that between the lack of Immigration and unrealistically low birth/death ratio it will take me about 65 more game-years to reach 1000 population whereas it took only 47 years to reach 586 at the lower Tiers.
I started a new town pacifist mode so I will stop at tier 3 and see if immigration/births keeps up or tails off
Thanks. We need more data points for sure, but right now my tentative conclusion is that regardless of the game’s directions and suggestions: having 20% or more extra housing, +6 months’ of Food reserves, high Happiness, and even reducing losses to Raiders and Animals to a minimum, we still are going to get glacially slow population increases once we hit Tier 4.
Frankly, that makes it also an extremely dull game after I hit Tier 4, because sitting in front of the computer watching year after year go by without having the extra population to start up any new industries or production buildings/fields/mines is about as exciting as watching paint dry. I can be bored without having to pay a Game Designer to do it for me . . .
the population is rebounding
I am also having a problem with this, I topped out with a population of 1150 and slowly have lost population to 950, vast majority of deaths are age but birth rate and immigration curve needs to be adjusted, plenty of housing food and happiness
Stuck in the 920’s for 50+ years. Great metrics for growth and using the growth bonus relic.
x villagers born.
x villagers died.
Where x is the same almost every time and usually within the same month.
I believe that the amount of food in the reserve affects the birth of a child. When I have food for 11 months, 9 villagers are born. But the level of immigration drops depending on the size of your colony. With a colony of 900 and above, I have not seen 6 or more immigrants come to me.
Also noticed this but find Lvl 4 tedious to the point of never getting very far into it so my data is limited. Population growth in the earlier tiers is smoother and higher in 0.9 which is a good thing. To be fair, the death rate is not badly overstated: 70 deaths in 1500 population implies a life expectancy of 22ish years, not impossibly bad in medieval times; 40 in 1500 makes it late 30s life expectancy, not unreasonable for this time period. But net population growth should be at least 2%, so 70 to 100 births a year would be a more historically correct value, which one never sees. As well, by any reasonable measure, my town is far more attractive at Tier 4 than at any previous time: so why so few immigrants? Just to make the game as tedious and uninteresting as possible is my explanation. But I do have trouble seeing a win for the developers here, as far as selling points go.
I have 1264 villagers, 96% happiness and migation is …drum roll…1 person. That is pretty low IMHO. On the other hand I still have an organic growth with 9-11 villagers growing up each year adding to the population. What do your population die of? Mine is almost only of old age at the moment. These are the best numbers I have been able to achieve so far. I am a bit behind you on the number of villagers, so maybe mine will drop when I reach 1500?
I think I need to try another map, I will run out of space for graveyards, I hope the crypts and that it relaxes some places on the map a bit.
IMO, to me, I don’t feel the need of having a lot of migrants when I have more than 15 births every year.
My village expansion went dandy up to about 1550 villagers but from there on it has just ended up in a sprial of decline. I am now down to 1340 villagers and sinking.
I still think this is a great game with few, if any, games that come close. But having waited a year to play with more than 1000 villagers just to find out that the game will naturaly plan out at 15-1700 is a bit of a disapointment. I also think that if and when you end up with a villager deficit, you are basically screwed and might as well give up the map and start over. I think there needs to be a better chanse of recovering after having spend so many hours building the village. The only other option available is to try and micromanage to minimize the decline and watch as the population declines and hope that it will level out. This is hours and hours of gameplay. At least this is what happens to me. I am quite sure most other players are performing better than me, but it does make the game lesst fun. For the first time I have contemplated moding the game as an alternativ and introduce a posibillity to cheat with the village numbers. Sorry for a gloomy review but the limitation of populatiopn growth is IMHO far to overzealous.
But how many survives and how many villagers die of natural causes? I have 18-20 birth but 40 that dies fron natural causes…