Now it’s officially the “2nd half of the year” I know you lot are going to start complaining. Why isn’t FG out yet? Where is it? When is it coming out? When, when, when? So here’s a dedicated thread for you to complain in. Rant/vent to your hearts’ content.
Shut the f*ck up and go do something productive. - don’t take that seriously, though I don’t really care about the expansion anymore. They made me hyped as fu… -rniture… and then spoiled the butterfly out of it on streams and Grim Misadventures or however it’s called (weak memory, sorry :P) and now I just sit here like “if it comes out I’ll buy it and play it”.
Still ready for the new classes, I got kinda burned out from GD because everything’s the same in the game (maybe a new patch soon?) and I need a break. I would either need a 2 weeks break from the game or a new patch (even if it only changes few items, I am still getting hyped because something new happened).
If a new chaos class comes out, or something physical-based, I’ll be hyped even more.
Now, let’s say I rant about the new expansion not being out yet. Rant, rant, rant… blah, blah.
Tri-beers are the only drinks allowed for the team. I think it’s in their employment contracts that they can’t drink anything else while employed by Crate.
Honestly I don’t give a shit about that mastery, I still haven’t exhausted my build ideas with the current ones. I just want that transmutation stuff, I have sets to complete. Many of them…
Who said we’re tepid? I want it all! Asap. But that asap is conditional on the devs being happy that they’ve got it as good as they can make it. I’d rather wait until that’s the case than have them rush something out just to keep the moaners and groaners happy. Who’d then complain about all the bugs and other problems there’d probably be.
So guys can be tepid, but women can’t? Do you know they’re all guys btw?
Okay we know el critico’s a lost cause with his not happening Paladin mastery, but I expect a lot of people are looking forward to particular parts of the expansion, while others like me just want it all and have no particular favourites.