Legendary Drops and Exp Scrolls

I’ve read briefly through everything and what I want to say is without seeing your exact “incomplete” builds it’s just way too difficult to tell if the problem you describe really exists.

The builds in Grim Sheet are indeed pretty much all non-legit, items are often cherrypicked out of 5-10 copies to get the best roll on most important stats, and let’s be honest - while decent single rare MIs are more available now than ever double rare MIs with good affixes is still dubbed “fantasy gear” for a reason.

Despite that it was discussed over and over between builders that if their cutting edge character is “capable” of SR90+ then it’s safe to say a more realistic build should be capable of SR75-76 runs on Ultimate, cases when MIs are used to get an otherwise unobtainable skill points aside. It’s good to have some discretion when it comes to builds like that, admittingly it’s not something one can expect from a new player.

There was also a brief time when builders did some very budget builds with Ultimate SR65 in mind for the purpose of getting into optimal farming range as well as unlocking SR set based builds for one self. Results were it’s surprisinly doable. After that time I just can’t help but be rather sceptic about builds decked in legendaries being unable to do SR65.

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my problem was never about Builds… its the Ratio of Unique Legendary drops is what i am complaining about… this is a Single player game at best and even in multiplayer you don’t compete with anyone for dominance or anything so why should we go through this rigorous grind to get the items we so desperately need… i have stopped playing my old characters all together and just making new alts almost everyday now and leveling them to 100… atleast like this i can feel like i am progressing because in my old characters lack of those specific legendaries won’t let me progress efficiently… i have looked into budget builds and have few of them as well but SR 65-66 ulti runs aren’t as profitable as SR 75-76 runs so why bother.

if i am being honest after playing for 300+ hours i can’t make myself get into this game… every time i boot up this game it feels like a chore that i don’t want to do but do it disheartenly anyway…

Then don’t. If you’re not enjoying a game or activity, you shouldn’t feel compelled to do it. If you feel like you’ve done everything you want to do in Grim Dawn then feel free to move on to other games.

On drop rates of Epics and legendaries, they have gotten substantially easier to acquire over the years either with drop rates on harder-to-acquire ones like the Alkamos/Magi rings getting buffed or more ways of farming them getting added like Crucible, Shattered Realm or Monster Totems. Compared to several other ARPGs in the genre, Grim Dawn is really generous with drop rates as is. Perhaps getting a specific Epic or Legendary is difficult amidst the game raining them on you but if you are really struggling you can always look at trading with someone else for the one(s) you’re missing.

I doubt Crate is going to make them even easier to find when they are already incredibly easy to get a hold of, even entry-level budget builds can farm an ok amount with Totems and Roguelikes.


aeh… 65-66 runs are better because they are faster and easier and the loot difference is minimal/doesn’t make the risk of death worth it on 76 - you lose loot if you fail the timer/dies

i get 5-6 Legendary and 2-3 recipe on average on 65-66 and 7-9 legendary and 0-1 recipe on 75-76 and if i die then -2 to -3… i even got 3 legendary on one run.

then you are not doing Ultimate SR, you get like 12-14 purples there
if you are farming SR outside ultimate you will obv have reduced returns, since normal and elite SR rewards are deliberately lowered to discourage farming it over Ultimate

bro didn’t you read my post? my whole argument was why was there a reduction of legendary drops when they needed those legendries to finalize their builds… anyways never mind… i installed GDstash to make the game balanced.

Please describe your experience after using GDStash for some time and having access to more legendaries, your enjoyment of the game, performance of completed builds etc.

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Because there wasn’t. Crate haven’t changed the drop rates for a while and with the addition of Monster Totems the drop rates have actually increased.

You do know that you can transmute a piece from a set into another piece of either the same set or a random set at the inventor, yes?

If you have the blueprint for a set piece then just craft several of them and transmute them to get what you’re missing.

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i did, and if you recall from earlier i agreed with Baka

being able to equally farm endgame items in terms of amount reward/effort on non-endgame mode seems highly silly and counterproductive to me
aside from minimal incentive to actually play endgame as intended, it removes any sort of minimal effort given the balance changes between Normal and Ultimate - and would kinda run contra to what’s the general theme for most games; the hardest challenge rewards you the most

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i couldn’t be happier… i think GrimDawn should’ve came with GDstash preinstalled or atleast smartloot or something… all those days crying over not getting the right item drop with right prefix and suffix all gone xD
this is the best tool ever created and i wish i used it early… now that i think about it, honestly i believe GDstash makes this game Fair and Balanced.

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