Legendary Torso and Helm feedback

Agreed with nery.

Regarding plus skills…i’ll never in a million years say no to an item with +4 to possession. :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: for the record, I do think the nerfs to totem we’re just a tad harsh, but otherwise, I’m okay with it. Makes a great support skill, but it has hit ludrigan builds hard

On my to-test list…maybe you can do it for me if you have the time?


looks like it’d be very interesting to me. I intentionally left the ring slots blank as they would very much so depend on resists (CC included).

  • Double stormwitch = most offensive because of soth
  • Stormwitch + allagast = most likely choice here
  • Time-flux + allagast = defensive option

EDIT: BiS is probably an elementalist prefix on the medal with +2 to grenado, or +2 to mortar. However, that seems really unrealistic to me, so… :confused:

P.S: I think pryomancer would be a better choice than purifier, as CoF can be cast from range, and the build suffers from a serious lack of phys res. However, the lack +skill points, and skill modifiers if you pick a class which isn’t an inquisitor really forces you to play it as a purifier

@xervous - the above is an example of why I think elemental builds naturally gravitate towards the inquisitor. Not trying to shut you down, or be confrontational, just thought it was a good example to highlight the point I was trying to make :slight_smile:

EDIT: @adoomgod - okay. no problem then. Was scrolling through the challenge section and stumbled across gurgoth. Ignore my ramble then :smiley:

I think that link is incorrect. Also last I checked Gurgoth is okay.

I’m reading it another way in that inquisitor gets an overwhelming abundance of favorable options within and without. What’s the counter proposition, buff everything else?

Really this should be moved elsewhere but I don’t see an option beyond replying in this thread.

It’s not inq fault. It’s just elemental damage is so good with abundance of options. Especially post FG.

Imagine if inq only support vitality and chaos.

If inquis was just Vitality and chaos it would be a far narrower niche where dominance due to specialized bonuses is expected rather than general blanket bonuses enabling a rainbow of setups that are at the very least respectably above average, if not dominant in the field.

Yup, there you have it. Just like occultist in vitality and pet. Powerful bonus in a narrower niche.

Elemental in this case, has so many options and flexible, thus why inq looks more powerful compare to other elemental supporter. Thus why you see that inq enable a lot of rainbow build.

Though I think it’s not necessarily true now. I rank shieldbreaker and sorcerer higher than paladin and mage Hunter. Infiltrator in this case is just a natural fit like warlord and spellbinder. Purifier is powerful Gunner, but squishy if not using justicar or lights def.

All of which float or sink on the multiplicative contribution of the inquisitors passives. You’ll note that oathkeeper lacks a respectable fire throughput option, being a bundle of more focused but still powerful passive bonuses similar to inquis. This puts paladin in its awkward state . RoH got smacked down, storm box got slapped. Inquis gets picked more for its multiplicative power, a focus around one of the active skills is a mere afterthought. Siphon some of the passive power into its active abilities and the playing field will be leveled somewhat. Or pull the classic ‘buff everything else’ suggestion. There’s a third option of doing nothing of course, and variants in between beyond count. Can’t put my finger on the last buff everything else comment, was it the Deathmarked discussion?

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I don’t think Z wants to resort to adding new procs to these items if he can help it, but I certainly would be for your suggested item tweaks to the crown.

I tried this armor with Retal DE Oppressor.

In conclusion, there were not many advantages to using this armor.

Compared to Armor of the Three, Aegis’ DPS increased, but DE’s DPS decreased. And this armor has good armor value and good proc skills.
Compared to Azragor, Aegis DPS remained almost the same, and DE DPS deteriorated.
Human dmg less, physical resistance, and + 140% retal dmg are lost.
Freezing time reduction can be easily covered by using Hoarflost, so the importance is low and the armor value is also inferior.
I did not compare with Gildor’s Guard. I think this armor is weak.

I may want to use this armor if it is changed to heavy armor and add Beast dmg less. I think that such non-set items are not used unless they are a little strong.
In addition, +% Retal dmg will be necessary when considering use in Retal build.

My opinion after agreeing with your point of view

This armor is unattractive.
In general, retaliation builds reduce DPS when the only enemy is a caster, so increasing physical retaliation by block is not compatible.
If the base spec has the same retaliation bonus as Azragor, it would be good to be buffed additionally.
Or I would use this armor if the Proc skill itself was changed to one containing% RDatA that activates when hit.

In terms of damage and Retaliation damage, I’d say the armour is fine. It works best on Cold/Elemental builds. What I think adoomgod is trying to improve on it is to make the skill bonuses actually worthwhile.

Speaking of which, I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned but I’m gonna suggest replacing the Star Pact and/or Chilling Round bonuses for Righteous Fervor.

This is arguable. The cuirass currently has an above average amount of flat Retaliation damage (500-1100, avg. 800) whereas other pieces that do feature % Retaliation damage hang around the 300-500 area.

As you say, there is no problem with damage or defense. However, I’m wondering if this item will be attractive just by changing the skill bonus.
My cold builds often use other cold set items. So I proposed a defense enhancement to make this armor more attractive.

I have n’t tried cold retaliation, so I do n’t know. It is difficult because there is little support. Although physical retaliation by Cold to Phys converted was slightly inferior, it worked well.

This armor needs phys res, and it’ll be perfect.

Pierce/cold conversion on it would also be dope.


Updated horns of korvaak section. Many of these items need more feedback. I want to remove things from the lists and I suspect with modern builds a lot of them can be removed… maybe in 1.1.5 all of them will be removed lol

Then you have to add new items to the list :smile:

Regarding Horns, saw them being used in Blazerush Elementalist. But rather mediocre head, need more skill bonuses or at least stats.

Considering that the purifier version hits 6:15 in crucible it’s more like the shammy/occultist side could just be stronger. Then again not every class has to be synergistic and maybe a different weapon would work better for elementalist horns of korvaak.



I revisited vitality drain essence again and made some tweaks. With the help of lunal valgoth belt to fix stun res, it became one of the tankiest casters I’ve ever played.

While it’s “slow” by my standards, it roflstomps (3 + 1) crucible in 7:15 with 0 effort.

It was also able to facetank 3 nems in naked crucible for 30-40 seconds before I was forced to reposition due to debuffs.

Clears naked crucible with ease in about 11 - 12 minutes.

Hopefully this’ll knock off some of the items on your list

What would be nice, however, is if they could shift abyssal mask’s RR from pox to CoF

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Thanks! I’ve not been updating those item threads because life, busy, and 1.1.5 is in development. I’ll give them another thorough go-over after 1.1.5. I’ll see which items in your build correspond to my list and update their entries or remove them.

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I’d like to re-introduce Mythical Fiendmaster’s Raiment back to your list.

The bonuses to pets are great and the buffs in to give secondary resistances to pets is a great call. The one thing holding it back? The skill bonuses are really bad. Like really, really bad. As this is primarily a Chaos pet item, I’ll discuss the 3 skills that benefit from this item:

+3 to Ground Slam: Pet builds focused on Summon Briarthorn are either taking Beastcaller’s Set or Ghol’s Set. If you’re playing a Chaos pet build, a pet Conjurer is one of the worst options you can use with it, as the items that provide -% Chaos Resistance are much better suited for pet Cabalists as nearly all of the items that give pet Chaos damage give Necromancer skill bonuses.

+2 to Manipulation: No need to touch this

+2 to Siphon Souls: lolwut? I can assure you that pet builds do not use Siphon Souls in any capacity

The unfortunate thing about Chaos pet builds is that the classes that can provide Chaos RR [Demolitionist and Inquisitor] can already do better pet builds as Fire or Lightning / Elemental, respectively. That means Chaos pet builds are in a bit of a pinch as to what skill bonuses to give them.

My recommendation is to switch the skill bonuses to:
+3 to Reap Spirit: I’ve already explained here as to why Reap Spirit can use the points: most of the equipment that gives +Reap Spirit points are either hard to get MI’s or convert Chaos damage to another type of damage.

+2 to Manipulation: No changes here

+3 to Death Sentence: If there were to be Chaos pet builds outside of Cabalist, I think Deceiver would be better than Demo as Demo is much more suited to Fire. In which case, I think Inquisitors in general need pet love, and they’d still be less of a meme option than pet Chaos Conjurers.

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Vestments of the Great Guardian + Venomancer’s guile

Leveraging these on a sentinel to take advantage of all the chaos. Still putting together in game but worked well during SR runs with grimtools test https://www.grimtools.com/calc/DV99lBlV

Would love to see elemental resist on either or primarily bump the chaos -> acid conversion to 24-36% range so with high rolls the necklace slot frees up as currently black gem or pestilence of dreeg is required for 100% conversion. Both are also pretty awful for resists which poses problems for this layout (and acid in general to my understanding). Conduit would then work great here as you’re already using pox for -RR with the helm and resists would become much more manageable.