Legendery/Mi power system

So I am sure many people in their builds often look at 2 items of the same type,like shield or 2h etc,and wish they could also add it to their character

Is there any chance for some kind of system kinda like d3 to insert monster infrequent or a legendery items effect on our character? limited to whatever the devs would consider like 3 or 1

sounds both like a recipe for OP/broken builds, and a balancing nightmare :sweat_smile:

I mean its a single player arpg,does balance really matter so much?

How many end game viable builds are there in D3 though? I’m genuinely curious, because I don’t know. For example, D2 has very few viable builds, which they were somewhat trying to fix in Resurrected, I believe. Borderlands 2 also follows “go meta or die” rule. In GD you at least get much more variety on builds - like you can build Sentinel for either melee, ranged, caster, pseudo pets, and in different damage types as well.

So yeah, balancing is rather important even in single player games, otherwise you end up with a few OP options and dozens of mediocre at best. Guess which ones most players will choose?

Yeah but the difference in GD is that even if a build is very op,doesnt mean the mediocre ones cant complete the same content just a bit slower,in d3 for example you have infinite progression,so whats strong just gets stronger and whats a weak build stays weak

I’m sure there’s a mod for this somewhere…

i mean, pretty clearly? considering the constant effort to nerf overperforming builds, buff underperforming, and remove exploits or “unintended” interactions be it items or button/swap related that provides a power boost devs didn’t want?

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