Let's discuss Diviner's Vision

While I think the concept of hybrid builds are cool, it’d make much more sense to combine things that synergize naturally instead of things that don’t go together at all. As it is, even using this set you’re going to be better off going either all pets or all nukes than you would as a hybrid, largely because outside of this set there is no other support for the combination, and zero support for pet aether outside a single level 35 relic.

Winter King items have the same problem. Cold + pets + nightblade have no support outside of 3 items.

Pet + player lightning is currently the best supported hybrid configuration but is still limited to a couple of items that don’t always match where the skills are.

. Yes you are right, but there should also be a synergy. Corrupter of Spirits is a great example of well designed and synergetic hybrid set. It gives reasonably bonuses to your pets and buffs Bone Harvest so you can use it to kill weaker mobs. Furthermore it has a really good proc for your pets. Unfortunately it’s not an legendary set and thus lacks armor, resistances, and strong modifiers. My main complaint with Diviner’s Vision is that it fails at being a hybrid, instead ends up as a mediocre caster. Reap Spirit’s damage is only relevant if you spam it, but this stands in direct conflict with actually using the Wraiths.

Adding AoE to Reap Spirit, as Mantis suggested, would surely be an improvement, add some more damage while you are at it. Make it hit really hard, so that it becomes a tactical nuke but remove the cool down reduction. Maybe give the -2 sec cool down to Devastation. That way the spawned wraiths would become more relevant.

Yeah sigatrev you are absolutely right, there should be a synergy between the supported spells. Corrupter of Spirits is imho a great example of well designed and synergetic hybrid set. It gives reasonably bonuses to your pets and buffs Bone Harvest so you can use it to kill weaker mobs. Furthermore it has a really good proc for your pets. Unfortunately it’s not an legendary set and thus lacks armor, resistances, and strong modifiers.

The synergie between devastation and pets just isn’t really good. If you try to do both, you will end up with a lackluster devastation (especially with the weird fire->vitality conversion) and weak/fragile pets.

Minor point but with reap spirit the fragility of the wraiths is completely inconsequential, since you can summon them pretty much endlessly and instantly. This may explain why I kind of like the skill, despite its problems, it enables a total glass cannon setup for the pets.

Minor point but with reap spirit the fragility of the wraiths is completely inconsequential, since you can summon them pretty much endlessly and instantly. This may explain why I kind of like the skill, despite its problems, it enables a total glass cannon setup for the pets.

With fragile I meant your other pets, beside the wraiths, which you might want to have. The wraiths are actually suprisingly durably, mine usually die from old age.

How do you think about raising the summon limit for the wraiths by an additional +2 and doing something cool with IEE instead of Devastation?

Blue. Don’t have an opinion on others.

I am just checking ideas on a Diviner Spellbinder because I found several parts of this set, and this is a half-formed idea so far:
Basically, same as you said, use reap Sprit to target stronger enemies and spam Wraiths. They stick around and you get a max of 3 of them.
On the other hand, I added Slathsarr’s Crest - that Aetherwarped Basilisk in the Ancient Grove drops it- so you can use Panetti missiles that do 100% Aether damage.
As you said, the whole weirdness of the Vitality conversions confuses me. I was thinking about using Aether Ray instead but frankly a channeled skill does not mash well with reap Spirit if you constantly have to restart it. Plus I could find nothing that would help converting that pesky Fire and Lightning damage of the ray to Vitality, not unless you take the transmuter but that turns Aether into Chaos as well… and that is I think maybe the weird Clairvoyant set was made for? (I am not sure, that set is weird)

I never tried Diviner so my comment might be naive but what if the set made the Wraiths scale with player bonuses instead of pet bonuses?

I dunno, the wraiths are pretty useful for a summoner build too, and then they would be pretty weak if they scaled with the player’s stats.

Has anyone recently tested the performance of this set?
I cleared SR75 with this build last night, but it was an AAR binder after all. It may be wrong because I haven’t tried it, but the RP part of this set seems a bit unsatisfactory when compared to AAR. Or is it powerful enough?

Damn, I was about to go ballistic on OP for suggesting those pet changes before realizing how old this thread was…

Imo there are pet builds with Diviner set. Hybrids are always tough to make. Set gives bonus to Reap spirit and Devastation, hard to utilize them both.

You say AAR? But you can go Clairvoyant there.

Maybe it was written by Maya?
I didn’t know because I don’t play pet builds very much. Thank you for teaching me. :wink:

Well, I knew that the hybrids were Sucks, so I chose Convert to focus on 100% Aether AAR and the unpopular Attak seru. I am fully satisfied with the result.

I did a simple test on Reap sprit / Devastation. Devastation was good, but Reap sprit was weak.
Reap sprit had a recharge time of 0.8 seconds, around 80k per hit, and critical damage was around 150k. hit only single.
On the other hand, AAR is around 26k per hit and critical damage exceeds 80k. AAR is much better because it hits multiple times per second and damages all enemies on the line of sight.

I think the Reap sprit part of this set needs improvement.

Reap spirit as a non pet skill need a revamp imo. Now it’s just a worst version of doom bolt, and doom bolt is not that good of a skill either.

Give him 2 meter radius AoE should be a good start IMO.

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Yup. Reap sprit is an interesting skill but outdated.
AoE is nice, but that alone probably remains a 1p skill. The amount of damage is overwhelmingly insufficient.
I think I need to add Total dmg mod or improve flat damage and skill recharge reduction.
and I think +1 mastery should be given to the head and off hand.

I think it would help tremendous if Reap Spirit only summons if there is space, instead of resummoning old Spectres. Generally, I would like a rework of Reap Spirit, since it is one of these weird skills that don’t really fit into anything.

  • you want a high damage weapon to deal a lot damage, which is typical neither caster nor pet weapon
  • you want a lot of aether / vitality boni to maximize the damage, which would kinda ease you into a caster Setup
  • the Minion it spawns profits from pet gear, so you want a pet setup.

Sure, there are Hybrids that do 2 of them (caster/pet or similar), but the problem is: Reap Spirit becomes mediocre. Neither are the spectres the lynchpin of your summon build, nor are you substantially killing enemies with Reap Spirit (my comparison is a full Caster Setup and using both Reap Spirit and Doom Bolt). So, even if you concentrate all your focus into one aspect, it won’t shine, making it ultimatively only a Hybrid skill. Which is kinda strange to be honest.
Now, there are a few things that could be changed, and I am sure that most of you would disagree with one or the other option. Still, lets simply throw them into the mix:

  • make Reap Spirit profit from Pet damage.
    okay, I am not even sure that is possible. As in, the damage scaling being dependent on your pet instead of character damage, the clear opposite to player-scaled pets.

  • make pets player scaled. Add in a Mutator into Master of Death that turns them inot pet scaled
    Yep, another thing that will be another thing that is probably impossible to balance, since the values you can achieve are far apart. Still, it would help the caster build a bit, if the wraiths actually deal some form of damage instead dof being ornamental.

  • give the skill (more) flat damage.
    Either normal flat damage or straight out replacing the %weapon damage. Not sure about this either, since the weapon part is kind of endearing, though mostly a liability from what I see. A weapon based build won’t really focus on pets either, and there are barely skills with %weapon damage that deal Aether / Vitality. Maybe some exote like fleshwarped Strike Spellbinder or such.

Well, out of my point of view, a caster focused Reap Spirit should not be outclassed by Doom Bolt by so much when it comes to Single Target. But thats just how I feel…

Don’t touch the Pet from Reap Spirit or I am going to have to send angry Chickens to assault you!

I made a similar proposal before, but Zantai was negative about that proposal.

I don’t know if feature like this can be implemented but Reap Spirit being scaled with pets bonuses will definitely improve the sheer damage of it.


@Maya Would have a field day with you…