Level 45 Aether Crystal Farming

Hey guys, currently im level 45 and turning to 46 in a bit, and idk where to get any aether crystals, really need them for crafting a relic. please tell me any locations that has good drops for my level. Thanks alot mates.

I know that the Warden’s Lab (if you run backwards a little from the portal) has crystals that scale surprisingly well. If those happen to be too low level, the Immolation is a good spot (it’s the place you go if you have Honored with Black Legion, so that may be a limitation).

If not those two, there are some spots that are quite dense in the Necropolis (hug the right wall from the Gates of the Necropolis rift), as well as in the Plains of Strife (again, hug the right side and you’ll get to a place with a few).

hey men thanks for your reply, actually this crystals can only drop 5 level above the enemy, so act 1 wont save me. And also thanks alot for the other locations you gave me. Im kinda having a bad time at conflagration.

What’s your build? I find it odd that you’re having a rough time in Conflagration and lacking Aether Crystals.

Also, Aether Clusters still drop crystals regardless of your level. I just went back through Act 1 with my level 65 Pyromancer in Veteran and they all dropped crystals. Clusters were level 18ish, so there was definitely more than a 5 level gap between us.

Act 1 will save you though! Listen to the potato man, unless you are WAY overleveled the crystals in wardens lab will drop stuff for you, they scale really well. You can still farm those crystals in the low 70s on elite iirc

Ireally dont know why you guys can still drop those in act 1? Wiki says about the level gap, i really cant drop even a single one in act 1. Btw im a glass cannon Pyromancer, Crystals can drop at conflagration, but the field hits me too hard (playing at veteran).

I went back and checked on veteran, they don’t scale up like they do in elite/ultimate. If you need a lot for some reason just move onto elite then

im still new to game pal, how do i change diff? i can only change to veteran now.

The wiki has half of its information outdated.

You have to complete Normal/Veteran to unlock Elite. Completing Elite unlocks Ultimate. So that doesn’t help you right now.

Do i need to rush the game, like finish the final act? or should i reach max lvl 1st? can you give me some tips on leveling and about the game flow?

This doesn’t appear to be true. See below. If this is working for you, it would be nice if someone could explain exactly why it is working.

I just tried with a L85 character. Nothing in Veteran or Elite (level range 62-71) will drop an crystal for me. Clusters in Act 1 Ultimate are L87 so they drop fine there, of course.

you dont really need to care about your level. Every enemy in the game
scales pretty well in comparison to you if you just keep on going.
Dont worry about you not leveling enough. You should be fine anyway, try to get most Devotions shrines before changing the difficulty level.

If you struggle in the next Difficulty its probably because your build isn’t viable and/or you should think about different priorities in your equipment, rather then lvling up.

thanks alot mate! im kinda building a glass cannon pyromancer, i do struggle alot with bosses, so i kite alot and makes the fight long. Thank you so much mate :slight_smile:

If you’re struggling in Conflaguration in Veteran, you won’t be rushing through the rest of the game. Something is wrong with your build and gear and it would help us diagnose the problem (aside from the obvious) if you posted your build using GrimCalc (https://grimcalc.com/).

The obvious answer is you’re new to the game and you botched your build beyond repair. It’s happened to all of us and I’m sure I’m not the only one with one or two level 40ish mules who were colossal failures. The reason I believe you botched your build is you say you’re a glass cannon, but you have trouble with bosses. Glass cannons should be able to nuke bosses in seconds but die easily when mobbed or rushed by heroes/bosses. If you want to try to salvage your build and turn it into something viable, post your build here and we will try to help you out.

this is my current build http://grimcalc.com/build/yFdaiH and planning to change my devotion, cuz i want to focus on FIRE/CHAOS and some Electric i guess. Please check if its viable or not.

If you want to focus on Fire and Chaos, scrap 12/12 in Temper (the one after Flame Touched). It gives Physical and Pierce damage, which isn’t useful if that is not your focus.

Here’s a more viable alternative for level 49 (not considering devotion): http://grimcalc.com/build/tdqAeM

What I’ve changed:

  • Taken 11 points from Temper

  • Taken 4 points from Stun Jacks - they really aren’t necessary for CC if you have Flashbang and Curse of Frailty

  • Taken 3 points from Consecrated Blade

  • Borrowed 1 point from Ulzuin’s Wrath (you can put it back next level)

  • Maxed Flashbang, 1 point in Searing Light

  • 1 point in Curse, maxed Vulnerability

  • 1 point in Static Strike

Essentially, you should cast Flashbang and Curse of Frailty on every pack of mobs. This will debuff their DA and resistances nicely, along with vastly slowing and CC’ing them. It’s not a perfect build, but it improves upon your current one (IMO). For a huge DPS boost, aim for maxing Brimstone, it scales really really well, especially past 12/12.

The biggest problem that OP has is probably lack of health - too many points in skills and not enough in the masteries.

Take the point out of Searing Strike - you probably don’t want Firestrike to be single-target at this point. Go with only one curse for now - Flashbang is the better at this point. Max Demolitionist. Get Brimstone ASAP.

There are several good guides available for this build.

wouldnt i get lower dps with this build? sorry for the question, also i really dont get the use of flashbang. Can you lecture me more please?

Here is the reasoning behind each point:

  • Taking points from Temper WILL reduce your damage output, but only slightly. If you focus on fire / chaos damage, you will probably end up with 1000%+ damage modifier with a complete build on those stats (or at least one of them). A little extra pierce and physical won’t contribute anywhere near that.

  • Taking points from Stun Jacks - this skill is not all that good for CC. See Flashbang.

  • Taking 3 points from Consecrated blade - you could keeps these in, I guess the base physical on your weapon is probably small, and so 0.15x that will be very small indeed. Perhaps it’s something to put points in late game, but IMO they can be spent in better places.

  • Ulzuin’s Wrath point is just borrowed, but I’d only ever put 1 point in.

  • Flashbang debuffs the enemy DA by a huge 250 - this effectively increases YOUR OA by 250. This will increase your hit chance and so crit chance massively, increasing your DPS nicely.

  • Vulnerability debuffs their elemental resist, and so increases your DPS.

  • Static Strike 1 pointer just because.

The thing to understand is that it is not all about sheet DPS, if you decrease their elemental resist by 45%, you will deal 45% increased damage ON TOP OF everything, whereas 45% fire damage (for example) on top of 1000% you will have by the endgame is minimal. Also, enemies have high resistances, so debuffing it is necessary.

Essentially, just throw flashbang and curse onto every mob / pack of mobs you encounter. It will slow them, confuse them, and debuff them, making them less dangerous to you whilst allowing you to tear into them.

Hope that helps.