Level restriction in the illusion system feels pointless

This is true and it’s oddly annoying. It almost feels like this whole system wasn’t properly planned before being implemented. I can only hope that a proper revamp is issued, as even though illusion is but a side feature, it still is damn fun to customize the toons. Fashion is the true endgame anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol that’s even weirder than the level restriction

Another vote for no restriction

And to add to that -

have the system put the look on the gear slot instead of the current item you are wearing. When leveling up you are going to be changing gear often enough that it feels like a waste of money to be using the system.

So you end up not using it much anyway, currently…!

Level restriction is pretty reasonable, just as requirements for character level to equip items. Even in WoW transmog system all items have level restrictions.
Voting for keep restriction.

Im with you.
Illusion system is just another layer of progression. And guess what? ARPG genre is all about this kind of progression.