Leveling in elite ?

Is it possible to get to max level in elite mode without going into ultimate ? I would prefer to farm elite for my gear and levels and go into ultimate when I feel my char is ready.

PLay online so monster are higher level, still possible solo but will take you ages since exp gain is very low

You will lose a lot of time for lvlup on elite

Even you manage to get to max level in elite, if your resist or hp is low you will still have a hard time in ultimate.

If you worry about survival in ultimate, you should grind reputation to revered and level to 70 so you can use resist augments on armor. Don’t forget there are augments for rings and amulet that increases some resists too.

Ty I forgot about them and was worrying about poison res, that’s been hitting me hard so far.

Atm I’m level 60 and have 17k hp, I still get 30% more hp from devotions so if I can get my res up I should be fine.

Thanks everyone :slight_smile:

Elite leveling is pretty slow, but don’t worry about it because the last 10-15 levels are mostly to max out skills that don’t make a great difference in gameplay, unless you put skill points in stuff you didn’t really need at the time.