Leveling Skill Viability Discussion

I find the concept behind this mod very intriguing…like very. I do have concerns that if done incorrectly it could just be a slog fest with low reward per time spent. Some people like that. I am a more middle ground since my RL responsibilities are immense.

If done right, meaning the combat is impactful, calculating, and paced right with drops having meaning regardless of when or where they drop…it could be a real masterpiece. Plus it’s being built using the engine of the best ARPG out there…

If I had the time, this would be how I would mod GD…while rehashing the crafting

Progress is moving along quickly and one of the benefits is playing it right through the development. I get to immediately see if areas are to difficult or not rewarding enough. If I have optimized my equipment for an area I can always add more rare drops or new creatures.

It is intended to play more like an End Game mod. That requires grinding areas to be strong enough to proceed. If someone is looking to just run through a campaign this certainly isn’t right for them.

As per the downsides, there may be several. Revamping 9 fleshed out classes and combinations is a HUGE task and many of the skills need to be completely revamped to even work. The same with Devotions.

In early testing it may be necessary to strip out classes or skills entirely or they would be game breaking. The main reason for this is nearly everything is percentage based and that simply won’t work with the mod.

There are a few other hurdles also, but overall I’m really liking the game experience and trying to improve upon it.

A huge upside is the way in which assets are maintained. There may be very few limitations in the game world size or amount of objects. A developer/company would be limited to time restraints and releasing a project. I don’t have those limitations :blush:

And it’s not even that hard to find MI support. You can convert Cadence, Doom Bolt, Sigil of Consumption, Shattering Smash, Thermite Mine, and Aegis of Menhir using leveling greens, and many other items do global conversion to Chaos. That’s a fairly wide breadth of possibilities, and it’s even leaving out the skill tree transmuters for Albrecht’s Aether Ray and Flames of Ignaffar.

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