Leveling Spots

Ever heard of a place where monsters (including bosses) could respawn non-stop!?

Good for farming or leveling up fast (if you don’t want to get to the storyline repeatedly)

  1. Logging on and off takes about a minute
  2. Don’t wanna run through the terrain just to get to the boss
  3. You will have to still grind in higher levels
  4. It’s similar to the autoloot Iron/ Potion feature, where the devs dont want the players to waste time doing simple things over and over again
  5. Grim Dawn Trained Hard helps increase monster spawns (but its down atm)

Just wanna hear you out if you like the idea, any vote is appreciated

I like this. +1 hm!~

Isn’t this basically a description of what the Crucible addon is all about?

I don’t know, I don’t play crucible.

yes, the Crucible…

[li]Logging on and off takes about a minute[/li]

are you running GD on a pocket calculator ? It takes maybe 10 secs I’d say

I don’t think the enemies should be endless, but I’ve suggested several times in the past to spawn random events in the form of a Desecrated Shrine minus the devotion point.

The encounter against multiple heroes at once is fun and you get some loot after beating them which is another carrot.
Plus it changes the game up slightly and having events like this pop up in your farm runs breaks down the monotony of running the same thing somewhat.

The tech is mostly already there, so I hope that we’ll get something like it in the future.

I feel that the rogue zones are close enough, as they are very congested areas with a lot of loot. The Crucible is pretty much exactly what you want.

Killing doesn’t really get you that much xp in comparison to just doing quests. You’re better off just getting bounties and doing those repeatedly for xp.