Leveling up decreases my power

I leveled my PrimalStrike Shaman+Demolitionist character from ~85 to ~95. I found and equipped a perfect roll 2hander which increased my DPS a lot.
I went back to kill the final boss in the bonus area in the ForgottenGods expansion. He was rather easy when I was lvl 85. Now that I had found some new gear pieces (especially as 94 is a threshold for gear) and leveled some more defensive skills I wanted to see him melt.
What happened was he wrecked me, I could not even kite him.

It feels really shitty to level up and decrease my power.

I love this game but I really had to get this off my chest. The level scaling is too prominent. To add to this I tried out the new feature where you can have a level 1 character play on ultimate right off the bat, and it is rather easy to get going, which was also a disappointment somehow.

Anyone else experienced similar thing?

Maybe some severe safety gaps occured during gear change.
A GT link would be mandatory in order to find that out.
The boss you’re referring to is Crate, right?

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Sounded more like Korvaak to me. You’re right as well that it sounds like defensive holes were opened with the gear swap.

The boss is Morgoneth.

Let me look up how to export my character to GT…

To upload your character to Grim Dawn Build Calculator click the ‘up arrow’ button in the upper-lefthand corner. If you have cloud saves enabled (enabled by default) your save file will be in \Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata########\219990\remote\save\main_{character name}\player.gdc

Otherwise it will be in \My Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\main_{character name}\player.gdc

Then click on the icon below the arrow and copy the link shown to paste here.

My character:

OK, I see vitality and physical resist that could be quite improved - Morgo deals those damages.
Additionally your quite low DA will be reduced by him quite drastically. So maybe he was able to crit you pretty well.

BTW, you want those Thermite Mines and Arcane bomb … !

Thanks for the feedback. I totally overlooked arcane bomb! Thanks. Not sure What I should cut to get the thermite mines though.

You can try something like that for skill allocation and devotion, then fill your resistance with armor augment that you have. Can also leave Storm Totem at 16/16 and move the point to take Blast Shield with 6/12, 6/12 usually enough for campaign play.

Starting on Ultimate seems to be easier than it used to be. Difficulty seems adequate, in my opinion. Before it was just a slog. It’s worth noting that it ramps up quite quickly, even in act 1. You level up very fast but it’s not that easy to find adequate gear and you have no devotions.
Champions and story bosses take a few minutes to kill and require a lot of kiting (depending on your build). Mistakes cost you a lot and most of the time you can afford only one.
I had to “cheat” a little bit by going back to normal and getting few MIs and devotion points because it was getting quite frustrating around level ~30-35.
Now I’m on my way to kill Krieg and level 40. Normal mobs die easily but still can hit hard. I have to be careful at all times. Champions can be challenging, especially in groups.

Overall, Ultimate from level 1 seems to be better than it used to be. It’s challenging but very manageable and reasonably fast if you use your stash and go back to lower difficulties for some gear here and there (at least in act 1). Optional bosses and areas are very hard which is good. My one criticism is that leveling up is way too fast which means monsters get dangerous really fast and you grow out of your gear very quickly with nothing to replace it.

This phenomenon in GD is caused by levelling up too quickly. Faster than you can find new, matching items to counter the scaled up monsters. This is especially clear when starting on Ultimate. I always say, that XP gain should be greatly reduced.

True, but … you haven’t read the OP :wink:
Whereas - if starting on ultimate grants you too much XP, just don’t start on ultimate?

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