Anyone have any tips on levelling a Pyro? Is there a skill(s) to carry you to 94? Elite is starting to become harder than it should, although I am updating my gear and using components. Any advice for a generic/easiest way to level a Pyro would be much appreciated.
Even for higher levels? I do have the relic but it is so energy hungry lol. Does granted skill scale with my fire damage bonuses?
Imo yes, of course support it with some other skill (BWC, Mines comes to mind) that doesn’t interrupt it too much and it depends on your build as a whole, if it’s optimized.
There is always a way circumvent Energy problems
@Foehammer You can also play Chaos Sigil of Consumtion / Doom Bolt etc… I forgot about Chaos. Do you want Fire or Chaos endgame character? It should kinda align due to devotions leveling.
This is also good Oblivion but not target farmable like Conflagration so you’d need to have Blueprint
So I’d say:
- Fire: Conflagration + BWC + Mines
- Chaos: Oblivion + Sigil + Doom Bolt
How much damage Fire damage per second Conflagration deals at 150% casting speed:
1.5 * 245 * 10 / 3 + 1266 / 3 = 1647
is another away of going about it. With the right weapons, you can full convert Sigil of Consumption to entirely Chaos damage and be able to place 4 of them down (5 with a Chronomancer’s/Supercharged Shield if you get lucky but it’s not required).
Throw in BWC/Thermite Mine for RR and support damage and the Blood of Dreeg line/Possession/Demon Fire for defense when you start moving into Elite, Doom Bolt for a bit more punch in Ultimate and it’s all gucci.