LF Feedback on Full Aether Fleshwarped strike Deathknight

Alright, so I’m pretty happy with my setup at this point, but I want to make sure there isn’t anything integral I may have missed, or anything I’ve gotten wrong and need to correct. I’ve finished playing through Ultimate, and I’ve walked through some of the more “difficult” non-nemesis or superbosses with ease, but i still want to make sure gotten things right. If this works out I’ll likely output a full guide for it. So here’s what I’ve done, as well as my justifications for what I’ve chosen. Please tell me what I’ve done wrong, as well as what I’ve done correctly.

The Premise:

While leveling my Dervish to 100, I dropped a half decent HoTM and saw the AAR. I’ve known I’ve wanted to do a Death Knight for a while, but I didn’t know exactly what. I knew Cadence was really strong, but I didn’t want to do just another Cadence build, so I started farming out the Krieg set and Theodin, because he’s right there, to see if I could get a pretty good Heart. And then he gave me this:

Its not an Aetherfire of the Abomination or Tormented Souls, but I think Insanity is my #3 choice for suffixes, and Warped is better than most other Prefixes. Getting 2 useful affixes on a green naturally is more than most of us can hope for, so I won’t complain.

For my build, I mostly followed The Warpblade guide, with the benefit of being able to ignore cadence entirely.


I adjusted the top end devotions a bit as well, as there’s now almost no vitality dmg in the setup. I took out the Dying God and Revenant, as I wanted something much more relevant to the build as a whole. 30% crit and 10% total speed from HV are not bad, and the points in Dying God are fantastic, but when the build has no chaos and almost no vit damage anymore, I felt like there was likely somewhere better to put my Devo points. Revenant lost out because i needed more points for where i went, and the rest of this build has no lack of ADCTH, and while the RR from the skeles is nice, i have plenty of non-stacking RR elsewhere, and an obscene amount of stacking Aether RR.

I decided to go with Korvaak, the Eldritch Sun. its tons of extra damage and OA, and Eye of Korvaak is a fairly good OA/DA bomb. it brings my total OA bombing to about 400, and DA bombing to about 200. Imp seemed like the appropriate choice for the affinities i needed for Korvaak.

I went with Edge of Sanity for the Aether conversion on the WPS skills and its -10% aether RR proc. having all my WPS skills deal full Aether damage seemed right. I could have gone with Mindwarp instead, but it would compromise the damage coming from the WPS skills.

the amulet slot is something I’m still not sure on. i like the -% RR to Siphon Souls conduit, but Empowered Beronath could push my OA and DA bomb even further. between Arcane Bomb, Eternal Haunt, Sanity’s Edge, and spectral wrath, I have -110% Aether RR, so EEoB might be better than pushing that -RR to -125%.

The rings I chose over Magelords, as I don’t need the Phys buffs, I get more OA out of the legendaries, and the two procs combined are better (I think?) than the Magelord set. I could have also gone with Aetherstorm set rings for the big OA boost, but it didn’t seem as good as the overall value of the legendary rings.

So that’s what I have so far. I guess that seems a little lengthy, but thanks for taking the time to go over it. I really like this build and I want to eek as much potential out of it as possible. The biggest thing I need assistance with is making sure i’ve appropriately allocated the points that I don’t need to put into Cadence, if I’ve put my Devotion procs on the right skills, and then I’d like to know if there are any glaring issues I should change.


Just few things for dw build you want attack speed,Alacrity suffix is gonna be better in that regard,also Mindwarp is better than Sanity as weapon.Cadence hits like a truck and in my humble opinion is way better than Fleshwarped strikes.If you don’t play Arcanist the best combo for rings is Magelord rings,flat aether.For devotions I think the optimal route is Spear,DG,Revenant.But your build is looking fine.

i’m trying out magelords for the moment, and switched to chausses of barbaros for the moment for the additional speed and it seems to be alright. my only concern is that magelords seriously compromised my resistance overcapping. I’ve had to spec more points into decorated soldier to compensate

as for cadence, i just don’t want to do another cadence build. i’ve done several to this point and want to do something different.