Life Leech resists worth it?

My life leech resists are at -25. I have to use ring augments just to get it out of the negative but Id rather use those slots for other things. Is life leech resist worth it? I mean it’s not front and center with things life fire, bleed, stun, etc…the main ones. Speaking of stun, what’s a reasonable amount without sacrificing too much? Thanks in advance!

Irrc, the only time I’ve really worried about LLR is against Mad Queen with a mediocre melee character. ie. something that takes a bit of time to kill the Queen.

I don’t think any other mob benefits too much from LL.

Kuba and Ravager :stuck_out_tongue:

My life leech resist is always -25%. If I manage to get it somehow, I just have it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t stand in the pool like a child in an ant-hill… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, good enough. Saves me me from battling this issue in my mind. Kind of an abstract resist buried in the character stats. Thanks for the replies…

I thought Life Leech resist doesn’t affect healing? << Kuba’s pool (you can check it in Kuba’s info)

I thought it only affects Life Leech and ADCtH and I am quite sure it does.


Always thought the blood pools were a Life leech effect. Interesting…

Still, Kuba does have Life Leech:

Completely unrelated: Now I want Kubacabra as a pet even more…

(inb4 anyone says I want everything as a pet, I don’t want theodin as a pet!)

I do not want Loguglyean or Kra’Uglyall as a pet.

Yeah, Kuba’s healing pools are basically Wendigo Totems, life leech resist does nothing against them.

Same. But it might be kind of funny though, to see them plop around trying to move, like a slime/jelly monster… shame they are stationary enemies :frowning:

But this kind of makes me question if they were intended to be stationary, originally.

Also, we need an aetherial pet. I vote for Anasteria/Korinia

To not stray too far from the initial topic, plz release FG soon guys. I want to try combining Yugol’s black pools with Chillmane Yeti for a budget Kubacabra (probably won’t be able to bind the active to pets, but still)