Lightweight Mod for Speeding Up the Leveling Process

I followed the steps below.

  1. At first, I copied dom (1.2.4) and __lightweight mod to grim dawn/mods/ and ran the Merge archives.bat (nonlight). At this time, grim dawn/database/templates is created.
    I compared these templates with __lightweight mod/source/templates using WinMerge and they are identical at all, but I changed grim dawn/database/templates to templates_old and __lightweight mod/source/templates copied to grim dawn/database/ to make sure.

  2. I copied the above dom and __lightweight to works/mods/ and built it by pressing F7 in the order __lightweight > dom.
    This still produced the same error.

Can you set up your Asset Manager like the screenshot provided in the download (where the .bat is)?

EDIT: Or just put the whole template folder to “Grim Dawn/works/database”. That just worked for me.

EDIT2: I wrote above that the template folder would already be in “Grim Dawn/works/database”, but that actually should be impossible, the .bat prevents this.

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tag_TilegameEntranceTicket=Mystic River (Map)
tag_TilegameEntranceTicketText=“You have to start your journey on the shore of Gloomwald. Go out on the lake and the map will eventually guide you to your destination.”{^n}{^n}(Only accessible on Ultimate)
tag_TilegameEntranceTicketBlueprint=Mystic River (Map) Blueprint
tag_TilegameEntranceTicketBlueprintText=Instructions on how to produce a map showing one the current location of the Mystic River.

Where is this place in the text? “shore of Gloomwald”

Thank you for answering me again and again. This time I was able to build it fine this way! :+1:

I was only paying attention to ‘Grim Dawn/database’ and not paying any attention to the ‘templates’ in ‘Grim Dawn/works/database’.

When I compared the two, I found that works/database/template did not have “oneshot_potion.tpl” and “skilltree_expanded.tpl”.

It is very close to the Coven’s Refuge Rift, you basically have to take it and then run back a bit. Or to be more precise, it is right next to the Den of Carraxus. Here’s the Grim Tools map.

The map (the “entrance fee”) must be inside your inventory for the entrance to unlock.

Great to hear!

Right here.

The game is working fine now, even with max Hero rate, it’s stable.

I don’t know if the new patch helped it =)

thank you very much!

Could you update the Multiplayer patch for DoM v1.2.4?
With the current patch, the dog stone disappears.

Perhaps because of the re-summoning of dog, there is a problem that dog is regularly summoned by players other than the host when playing multiplayer with DoM+Lightweight Mod without the patch.

Give this one a try and let me know if it does not work, could not test it yet. Run the patcher.bat to … patch it.

I changed something, so maybe non-hosts can now also pop spheres?

Lightweight Mod (Compatibility for Multiplayer).zip (1.7 MB)

Thank you for your quick response!

There seems to be some problem. I ran a batch and built it with AssetManager, and it played fine the first time. However, the next time I started DoM, it made a horrible noise and wouldn’t go past the loading screen.

@Van_Houck The Special/Secret Map area:

  1. I like the idea, but going 300+ levels causes huge lags.
    The monsters are not killing me, it’s the lag (and ofc the monsters, whom hit a sitting duck).

It’s already hard enough reaching the chests.

  1. Regarding the Goat, do you have any picture of it in the grid? I’m unsure if it’s invisible to me or lying on the floor.

  2. Is it possible for you to add the grid level in the UI (also, what appeared for the highest grid, like Divine Chest)? Or we have to wait for the text to popup for each bracket?

Yeah, that was truly awful, sorry about that. I fixed it, you just have to run the Patcher.bat once to update (if still fully installed).

Lightweight Mod (Compatibility for Multiplayer).zip (1.7 MB)

  1. Do you have a proposal to improve this? Initially I thought of either some focking-kill-the-whole-grid trigger that would get used ever now and then, or just multiple modes (e.g. Normal = 250, Hard = 400, Endless) where you could decide on when the grid stops functioning (you could then just go around and loot and kill everything while taking your time).

  2. Well, it looks like a goat. Though it has a huge dark glowing rune beneath. When I tested it, it always appeared for me, so maybe you got unlucky? Or do you mean you got it, but it bugged?

  3. Text to pop up every now and then is the best I can do. Though I could add an on demand dialog option that at least shows the grid level in maybe some increments.

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Thank you, this time it looks fine!

I received feedback on the multiplayer from one of our users, so I’m reporting it here.

  1. Only the host could pop the Sphere (Beutekugel) through the dog, and the guest could not press the “pop” in the dog’s conversation. In other words, the “pop” only works for the host.

  2. When I used the dog stone after joining with another guests, the stone disappeared and the dog did not appear.

  3. If the guests joined the server after the host had summoned the dog, the stone would not disappear and the dog could be summoned. However, in the case of a dog summoned by a guest, the range in which the guest can talk to the dog is wide, and the dog’s conversation screen appears when the guest is attacking a nearby enemy, making it difficult to fight. The summoning of the dog by the host works fine.

  4. In the case of a guest, when the map switches between lifts, cave entries and exits, etc., the screen will say “You have received the Stone of Doggo” and then “Sam, the dog, has appeared!” and the dog will be summoned automatically. This phenomenon is the same when the guest loses the dog stone for the reason mentioned in #2 above. Combined with the wide conversation radius of the dog mentioned above, these message displays and the automatic summoning of the dog make it very difficult to fight when I leave the cave and the battle suddenly begins.

  5. If I choose ‘Psychotic’ or ‘Satanic’ for Grimmest, the dog is automatically summoned as soon as the game starts, regardless of whether it’s multiplayer or not. Then when I continue to play the game, it crashes during combat.

Uff, that’s a lot of stuff not working. Unfortunately, multiplayer has zero documentation, so quite hard to figure that stuff out on my own. I will see what I can fix of this.

Looks like that the Grimmest NPC works fine, so I might take some inspiration from it.

  • Changed the way the NPC is summoned, so points 2, 4 and 5 should be fixed
  • Changed the dog to a normal NPC, should fix point 3
  • Changed the way the spheres pop, should fix point 1, which means that now everyone should be able to pop them

Basically screw that lua stuff in multiplayer, most stuff is now done without it.

Important: Spheres always pop where the last NPC was summoned. To avoid any problems, re-summon the NPC before popping any spheres.

The last summoned NPC always glows, although this might not work perfectly fine.

Delete previous ___Lightweight Mod folder. Reinstall the mod properly (don’t use patcher.bat). You should be able to install it over the current dom version, so no need to reinstall dom.

Lightweight Mod (Compatibility for Multiplayer).zip (1.7 MB)

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Hello, i have a question can i gdstash Experience scrolls?

Not sure, but you can just use the in-game console for that (in Custom Game).

game.give “records\__mod\scrolls\experience_scroll_l.dbr”

For small and med type instead experience_scroll_s / experience_scroll_m.

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