@DeputyChuck was showing me his theory crafted hybrid lightning conjurer (his actually has OA…! I’m quite envious ) and I felt I should revisit some of my old hybrid ideas (thanks for the inspiration!). Don’t mind the toon’s name (Spinny Birds) back when I made this guy it was supposed to be Bysmiel + Cyclone pieces… but acid just comes together easier…
… and with that,I 'm sure there are better uses of the Korvan Dunefiend set, I know there are better uses of Ghol’s pieces. But… if you want to spin (pretty fun I have to say… more than I thought it’d be) and if you want to have capable acid / poison pets (who doesn’t want that?) then you’re in the right place! I can somewhat comfortably beat SR70 without dying usually, though SR65 is a safer bet. I’ve beat SR76 with this guy, but it can quickly find itself in deeper water than it likes to be in up there. Lokarr was a bit of work, took a second try, but he went down with a little careful piloting.
But, I don’t want to undersell it either, it does survive pretty well and can put out some decent damage (not huge damage… “decent” damage). Main game content is easy peasy if I don’t get stupid. Against hordes I spin in debuff and the health bars just melt as the pets feast and I’m whirling. Against nemesis and tough bosses, it is a little more gorilla warfare, I spin in, the pets chomp, run out and let that delicious poison DoT do it’s work. This toon actually feels like a hybrid, the toon and the pets contribute.
Just BoD up
The pets convert elemental → acid, and the toon benefits from the flat fire and lightning it gets from the bird’s aura and the fire from the hound, converting that to acid. And of course everyone is benefiting from that 26/16 BoD and it’s flat acid. All in all it works well enough.
The build:
Slight updates, same as the post below.
Beat Lokarr
SR66 chunks 1-2, gives you an idea of how this one plays. Is it a S2W sentinel or is it a pet build? Both!
SR66 chunk 4 (I only skipped 3 as I had to pause for a while to get muh dogs inside).
This is definitely not the strongest build, but it is different and quite fun to play, get the best of both worlds… spinning and pets. Thought I’d share since this one uses realistic drops all around, nothing special about the equipment (not that using DR’s has stopped me before…
. )