Does anyone know if there’s a technical limitation that prevents binding
- Word of Pain - War Cry - Curse of Frailty - Siphon Souls - OFF - Ravager’s Gaze - Haunt
- Eye of Korvaak - Blizzard - Reckless Tempest - Living Shadows - Blade of Wrath - Assassin’s Mark - Blind Fury - Hand of Ultos
It annoys me in like every other build and feels kinda dated. If it was OP in the past, it probably wouldn’t be nowadays.
It’s not even always about damage but just using skills / playing how you want / not needing additional ones.
Phoenix is an exception despite being On Crit
Word of Pain can crit on very tick.
Ill Omen spreads very well like some of the mentioned proccers but you can bind it to On Crit devos.
Yeah, area effect spells cannot to be bound to on-crit devos.
At least in crowds, I could imagine CRATE reasoning that this would kinda bypass the high threshold for a crit-proc… or so.
Not sure if I understand you correctly. I assume you mean the reasoning is that they would be too good.
They wouldn’t because i.e. Blade Spirits, Ravenous Earth, Devils, Totems, Rune of Hagarrad, Storm Box would still be preferred as they proc much better on single target bosses. And on multiple enemies they work similarly. Because everything works well on multiple targets. And the return from having more targets to proc from is also very diminishing.
Other skills like Sigil and Inquisitor Seal work similarly if you cast them onto a group of enemies but you can also stack them on top of each other in a longer fights which makes them better imo. Even if this is changed personally I’m still not binding Word of Pain to Blades of Wrath or CoF to Oleron to for example
Nothing would break balance wise, as we can already proc all these key devotions very well if needed and even far better on single targets. The problem is that you often have a chosen set of skills and a chosen set of devotions and you cannot bind the two together at all or the way you prefer.
At least for the spells with duration, it might be becuse the chance to crit ir rolled once on cast, rather than each damage tick ( about 5-10% confidense on that lol). So it is more of a balance decision.
No idea about war cry, maybe because it does not scale well if used on only one target.
Buff attack class skills “can” crit, but it was decided a century ago, when the Devotion system was first introduced, that having abilities that don’t do any damage be bound to “crit” abilities seemed weird and out of place. Since then, the expansion added Word of Pain and Siphon souls, which have a dot component, but there was no fundamental reason to make exceptions for them from that class of abilities.
This is the really issue here. Somehow it ended up with the template in the list where all the on crit devotions did not.
Thanks for an answer. For me it would be a nice fun change if the ones that have damage ticks could be bound to On Crit devos. Or, to the same effect, enabling this for the whole class / template but prohibiting some specific ones that would feel out of place, non-damaging CoF for example.
I did asked this a long time ago and Zantai said it was to avoid self-boosting shenanigans. It was specifically between Word of Pain and Blades of Wrath, which the former reduces pierce resistance with Death Sentence and the latter deals pierce damage.
By that same logic you shouldn’t be able to bind Rend to Devouring Swarm yet that’s perfectly acceptable. I’m with TQ, it makes sense for skills that are non-damaging by default (even if they can have damage added onto them) to not be bindable for on-crit devos but stuff like Word of Pain or Siphon Souls really doesn’t make sense. If it’s deemed too OP the 100 % chance can be toned down for the big AoEs perhaps?
Word of Pain is not even optimal on Blades of Wrath imo, I’d rather bind it Blade Spirits and use Word of Pain on Shadows (which is not possible currently) and not have to use some additional skill for it.
Yeah, but that’s the thing. You can already bind damaging or RR devotions to RR skills when those devotions don’t even have a crit requirement. But somehow it having a crit requirement to proc the devo is just going too far in power?
I actually went for the Rend on Devouring Swarm example specifically because I’m currently using it on Trickster and it procs like clockwork (do clockworks proc?).
Crit chance doesn’t scale well in this game, especially against bosses.
You need almost 4K OA to crit Ravager with 20% chance for example
A bit over 3.5K for 10% chance.
Makes very little sense to me. Unless you’re stacking OA like a madman you’ll have somewhere around 20 % crit rate. That makes it comparable to 20 % proc rate devos we already have plenty of that we can bind to these AoE skills for reliable proccage. And unlike crit-based evos the normal precentage ones don’t go down in efficiency against stronger enemies or when your OA gets debuffed. The limitation seems pretty arbitrary.
Which most are. Going hard on high OA in cunning builds is pretty much the MO for these builds and spirit builds also sacrifice DA to get more OA.
I wouldn’t be surprised if WoP with Blades of Wrath was allowed it would obliterate Crucible given the low heatlh/high mob density and that’s with the inner cooldown. And we know Crucible dictactes balancing.
That’s very speculative and imo untrue. 3 Blade Spirits would probably proc just as well with a higher number of targets and better with lower number of targets (since each of them procs of each enemy under their influence.
2s recharge devo is not going to break the game. Trash dies quickly from WoP so how many more shots of BoW you could have in the meantime. Assuming this is even better than Blade Spirits near you.
Also weren’t Blades Wrath considered OP in the past with Spirits being able to go inside enemies and no penalty for Blades of Wrath at the proc center which is no longer the case?
And the argument “you’re not allowed to bind because it would be too strong” is bad anyway. Let’s prevent being able to use Primal Strike and Wind Devils together because they have too strong synergy.