Look around...

You may notice some new art :wink:

Updated the site with some of the marketing art / skill mastery selection art that Allminoxy has been working on.

Is it under the ā€œmediaā€ section of the site? Silly shrimp canā€™t seem to find it . :smiley:

my bad: found it. Looks sharp & awesome. This game simply breathes atmosphere.
Keep up the good work ;O

The 3.5 pics are very nice ā€¦ even it is a bit early to search for easter eggs :smiley:

Edit: Iā€™ve hijacked this thread for a contest.

Challenge Accepted.
Now to see how many tabs Firefox can run at one time as I comb through the site looking. :wink:

Edit:Well, Iā€™ve found three of them now, they look very good as marketing pics, congratulations to Allminoxy on them.
Iā€™m curious as to the 1/2 a pic that Eisprinzessin found?


Itā€™s faqing awesome!

Pretty cool. Made with in-game models?

Iā€™d say yes. The rifleman in the ā€œRed Skyā€ piece uses the same overcoat worn by the character in Zantaiā€™s latest update. :wink:

Anyway, congratulations to Allminoxy on his amazing artwork! As said above, they could all work well as marketing pieces (I know I have been drawn into some games because of marketing artwork), especially if each skill mastery artwork is as awesome as the two on the site. :smiley: Looking forward to Occult next! :stuck_out_tongue:
Cheers med,
Younghappy :slight_smile:

Thank you. To **** looks fantastic. Super!!

awesome, utterly awesome

Very nice artwork guys! I feel a breath of fresh air! :wink:

clap clap as usual! =)

I love the FAQ one the most though!!

And if you look around really, REALLY good you can find a secret download link to alpha!

Awake or while youā€™re dreaming? :stuck_out_tongue:

Great work! Just keeps getting better and better.

Iā€™m so proud of you guysā€¦ sniff :stuck_out_tongue:

The sunfall one is about as atmospheric as it can get. :smiley:
Amazing work!

thatā€™s been up there for weeks

youā€™re just now finding it ?

Wow thatā€™s really awesome work!

There is one variant, which has the title Grim Dawn in it.

OK - time for a little contest. The first one to find and post it here will get Be Mine 3 from me.

Is this the one you are talking about on this page? http://www.crateentertainment.com/