Looking for a high-dps arcanist-based build

Hello everyone!
I am looking for an arcanist high-dps build with decent survivability that does not rely on endgame equipement. Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

All Arcanist based builds rely on gear to some extent. But if Arcanist is set in stone then I’d say CT Sorcerer.

Or you mean that the build should include arcanist, not necessarily based around it’s skills? Then I think DW piercecold Spellbreaker will do relatively well.

Can you explain me how this build works? What is CT? And what do you mean for ‘‘set in stone’’?

Any spell-based ranged build will be fine, though I would have preferred using Arcanist’s skills. I am new here on Grim Dawn, and it would be great if the build was beginners-friendly (that’s why I don’t want to completely rely on my equipement).

The most beginner friendly spellcaster is said to be a Vitality Conjurer. Don’t know, haven’t played one yet.

The main problem of casters is that they at some point require a very specific gear, otherwise the damage will just be rather low. It’s the gear that allows to push level of skills over the cap.

CT is Callidor’s Tempest. It does medium damage, melee to mid range, but has great AOE and a %weapon damage part, which is good.

Other options are Albrecht’s Aether Ray and Panetti’s Replicating Missiles.
AAR is a naturally very high damage skill, but it’s single target and the energy cost is insane, because of that you technally can just progress through the game with it with bad gear, but it will be actually slower than other builds due to the aforementioned factors, therefore gear farming will also be slow.
Haven’t played PRM in a while, but technically it should be a low to mid damage range skill with good AOE.
Also there’s Trozan’s Sky Shards. I’m clueless about it’s viability for beginners. I remember TSS+Flash Freeze arcanist being very good at breezing through Normal and maybe early elite, but I expect actually completing Elite being challenging with bad gear.

Set in stone means set in stone

Edit: I say “I remember” because the recent patch was supposed to buff spellcasters.