Looking for a two handed archon build

hello. just came back to the game after a few years. i wanted to try mad lee’s Avenger Archon Archon, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator but i saw it someone said it got nerfed heavy. is that true? is there an update version of this build or a build like it? thanks in advance

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https://youtu.be/9DsbGoDup4E?t=238 Not an Archon, but IMO it’s big brother. An almost invincible beast.

It’s still a ridiculously strong build. Try it, you won’t be disappointed.

what Foehammer said
nerfs in GD often don’t mean what people think/what it means in other games
Devs are rarely out to kill builds or destroy performance. So a “nerf” might sometimes just mean a nr1 top20 builds becomes a nr10 top20 build etc, where all top20 builds are still mad “OP” :sweat_smile:

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