Hi all. After a very long pause, I started playing again and thought it would be fun to try an aether build - something I never did before.
I did a lot of experimenting and finally decided to use Panetti’s. I know more or less where I want to go equipment-wise, but for the life of me I cannot figure out devotions.
I’m about to start Ultimate, and clear all devotion / attribute points (unecessary investment in Cunning), so it’s a good moment to ask for pointers, I guess.
Keeping in mind that it’s just a weekend player’s build, and it’s not supposed to be extremely powerful, just fun to play, could you point out what devotion path I could take?
(I will be switching most of the gear when I reach level 90 - I can craft Heart of Malmouth, and have some nice shoes to go with it)
Also, any recommendations for a massively powerful one-handed aether weapon that would help me make use of the +40% weapon’s damage to Panetti’s?
“fun devos” - if you acquire conversions:
Imp, Sage, Seru (wouldn’t recommend all 3 on a panetti build since you will struggle on triggers)
“sane devos” would probably be stuff like spear + korvaak
(can even fit in Aeon if you don’t take many other procs/detour passives, might not be efficient tho)
about weapon, i’ve no idea what would fit/benefit most on the WD portion, there’s a couple of decent aether dmg 2handers out there, Temporal Arcblade and Vortex of Souls even have cast speed - whether that’s better than 1h+ofhand i don’t know
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Hmm, so built for survivability more than damage, right? I understand where the Lotus might come in handy, but I’m not sure about the Stag and the Scales. They both boost damage I can’t use and can’t convert…
I think I might try with Lotus and maybe aim for Attak Seru as @Gnomish_Inquisition suggests above. It’s just a fun roleplaying character, the squeamish Necromancer who hates dead things, and I have a lot of Elemental to Aether conversion.