Looking for duo builds to compliment in crucible

Hi all,

With the sale going on with grim dawn, my friend decided to buy it and will be playing this weekend. We will be playing together and want to compliment each other and not fight for gear by having same builds.

I have played a BWC Sorc, pet conjurer and aether ray so far… my friend is a tank type player. More than likely he will go commando. What would be a suggestion with the changes that would compliment a tank type but still be used in crucible when we get to that point?

Appreciate any advice here.

newbie answer here, but the two things that comes to mind are, for the tanky guy: either a pet guy that swarm the area with pets, or a soldier (war cry) or something that can efficiently taunt enemies.
Then, the non-tanky one (you presumably ?), anything squishy that does tons of dmg, have a panic button, and possibly benefit from the tanky guys debuffs.

What ? Why do I read “ty captain obvious” in you eyes ?

Hello, i never played GD’s multiplayer, but on paper this two builds combo looks great for me:

StunJacks Ele http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47324
S&B WitchBlade http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42424

or you can go with your BWC Sorc instead of SJ Ele.

Also you can change S&B WB for this hybrid caster build http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52149

Well, i’m far from crucible expert (i don’t really like it anyway) so take my words accordingly.

First off, threat / aggro control is nearly non-existent in GD so you BOTH have to go TANKY enough.

In a case of tank + glass cannon combo the mobs would ignore the low dps tank and go after the glass cannon and skills like War Cry would only mitigate this problem a little bit but wouldn’t solve it in the long run.

To complement each other, there are two things to care about:

  1. Buffs and debuffs.

Going different class combos (for avoiding skill overlap cuz the same buffs / debuffs won’t stack) is obviously a good idea, but sharing damage types is also welcome so you can both utilize the buffs and resist reduction debuffs of each other.

  1. Single target an AoE dps.

For crucible you need to be good at both as there’s very high mob density AND regular (mostly multiple) boss spawns.

Since you’ll be going as a duo you have the advantage of freedom to be more focused.
One of you could specialize in single target dps, preferably melee (S&B physical witchblade / commando are still good choices) and the other could go for a tanky caster build (BWC sorc, SJ ele, DEE wh (well, not that tanky essentially but can be adjusted accordingly), CT sorc, you name it) for massive AoE mayhem.

Those casters mentioned have solid single target dps too to support the melee guy against bosses.
Personally i would pair the sorcerer/elementalist with the witchblade, or the wich hunter with the commando for the different buffs/debuffs (but going 2 demo or occultist class has some merits too as you can spare some skill points by not taking some skills what would be pretty mandatory otherwise for a solo build, and cadence soldiers are notoriously starving on skill points :)).

Of course these are just examples, the possibilities are way more diverse in GD (less so in crucible but still :)).

And i know a told you before but i can’t stress enough that PERSONAL SURVIVABILITY is KEY in crucible.

P.S.: sorry for the bracket-fest, complex sentences are prevalent in my native language.

Indeed. That is true. my bad.

But I never tried in cruci, but having been rushed a couple of time by a friend in main campaign, I think that can still be somewhat viable if the glass one have a couple of panick buttons and the taunt guy have good cdr on warcry, so that whiles the panick mode is engaged, the new taunt can often get the mobs attention back.

But yes, that may be harder in crucible.

Lightning Warder and BWC+Thermite Pyro make a good combo. Lots of healing, lots of RR, awesome Battlecry debuff.