Looking for pointers to superbosses

Need some generic tips for resist overcaps per boss, OA/DA goals, specific things to look out for on Mog, Ravagers and Calla. Or if anybody could point me towards existing guides, because I failed to find any.

RektByProtoss has a guide on all superbosses on his YT. It’s outdated, i.e. doesn’t include Sunder but you’ll still learn a ton from it.

Other than that you can watch how other people do it. There’s no algorithm for that, you have to figure it out for every build separately.

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Ravager of Flesh:

  • Deals mostly Phys and Bleed dmg, some Vitality damage.
  • 12% phys RR, 25% everything else.
  • 350 OA debuff
  • Pools drain energy and stack damage, so don’t stand in them if you can’t take it.

Ravager of Minds:

  • Deals mostly phys, equal parts Vitality and Elemental damage. Also some poison.
  • 12% phys RR, 25% everything else.
  • 600 DA debuff
  • Summons totems that nullify you (for 5sec). He can summon a lot of them over time, so you have to think about where you stand while fighting him.

Ravager of Souls:

  • Deals mostly Phys, some Vitality damage and a bit of Aether.
  • 12% phys RR, 25% everything else.
  • Summons pools with 100% fumble and impaired aim debuff and with 70% damage reduction to you
  • Summons totems that debuff Aether/Vit res by -14% and fire projectiles that sunder and add -16% phys res

All Ravagers have a normal swipe melee attack and a sundering one, the one with Sunder is usually used after 4-5 regular swipes (but if you kite, the timing might be different)
All variants also fire two sundering homing projectiles if you get too far away.
The general RR debuff is on Ravager’s “war cry”.


  • Deals mostly phys and pierce damage, but also some bleed.
  • She summons immortal “minions”, in the form of tornadoes and shifting sands, those are frankly more dangerous overall, if they stack up on you.
  • -14% physical resist on the tornadoes. Can’t really avoid that.
  • 470 DA debuff
  • several sources of fumble/impaired aim, between her and the minions, up to 50%

Her Sunder is on the “wing flap” and can be dodged really easily.
Imo, the dangerous part is when too many minions get on top of you.
You also have to watch your debuff bar, fighting her when you are standing in the shitfting (glittering) sands is usually not a good idea.

Haven’t fought him since the 1.2 test.
Stay out of the lightning cloud? :person_shrugging: