After a break of a few years, I find myself wanting to refresh my memory of some lore. The two main ways of doing that seem to be either browsing a wiki or loading one of 15 characters and trying to remember which one had the most thorough playthrough. Not fun.
It would be glorious if we had a button in the main menu that opened the usual in-game journal, just larger and centered, without the quest tab. The entries of this particular menu would be filled by all characters at once (characters still have to discover their own entries, get EXP from it, etc) just like you unlock blueprints. A little counter could be added for completionists.
I really like this idea as currently I always have to use grimtools to check which lore notes I am still missing. Additionally, maybe depending on what char you have selected, have a little icon next to a lore note here which indicates whether that particular char has found that lore note yet or not.
(but still only showing lore notes which have been found by any of the chars ofc; those which have not been found on any chars should not be displayed at all)