Lost interest to this game

Well I guess it must be nice to either have an unlimited time to play the game or be one of those gamer savants. Maybe try playing it blindfolded or as someone else suggested, play something else. The reason I’ve lost interest in the game is the complete opposite. I took a break for around 6 months only to come back & get repeatedly stomped near the beginning of the one lost oasis dungeon that requires a skeleton key. Every-freakin-time, a nemesis spawns in it. This has to be the dumbest thing I’ve seen yet. Like wtf, this is only in Elite. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Am I suppose to start farming a bunch of rare components so I can make a lot of skeleton keys now just to figure out how to beat it? Screw that. I have maxed resistances on a Spellbinder that uses this build: Albrecht’s Aether Ray Spellbinder
So its not like as if I’m trying to do it with a sub-standard build.

Imo, if you have to keep making the pre-existing content harder and harder, and yet harder again because of other stuff you’ve been adding, that means you’re breaking the game. “Power creep” is one of the symptoms. I mean, if you want to add something to the game, which then in turn requires you to adjust, nerf, buff a bunch of other stuff, does it really need to be in the freakin game in the first place? :thinking:

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