Lost Progress After Creating a New Game

I recently started a new game on a fresh map. After about 2 hours of gameplay, I saved manually at around year 4 with a population of about 70. A week later, I returned for another 2-hour session, expanded the town further, and saved the game again.

A few days ago, my wife created her own map and played for a few hours. Now I’ve realized that all my progress since my first save is gone – as if I never played beyond that point (even though I did, and I manually saved the game while recording my gameplay). My town still exists, but the most recent progress is missing.

I thought about loading an autosave, but they’ve already been overwritten by my wife’s new map. Is there any way to recover my lost progress? Since this was a streamed gameplay, it would be really frustrating to start a new map just because of this issue and lose the continuity promised in the previous episode.

The game only has one set of autosaves, which are shared across all settlement data.

Similarly, if your wife named her save the same as your earlier save, that would get overwritten. That is the only instance I can think of that could cause earlier manual saves to get lost besides a sync issue with Steam’s Cloud.

That’s exactly the thing – my wife’s village has a completely different name, and I can see her main save along with two autosaves. In my case, I still have the main save, but it’s the old one without any of the recent progress, and of course, the autosaves are gone since they were overwritten.

It’s strange because, as I mentioned, even in the recorded gameplay, you can clearly see me manually saving the game by selecting the specific file from the list. Looks like I’ll have to start over once again…