Lower Tier Legendary Crafting Requirements and Blueprints

To make beginner builds more accessible, can we reduce the crafting requirements for Level 50 to 75 legendary items? This would make gearing more efficient. These legendary items are not used at all / very rarely recommended in beginner builds because of the difficulty to attain the recipe or craft it.

For example, I am theory crafting a beginner Warlord build and I want to use the Level 75 Warborn Visor helm, but the cost is too high hence I am better off pursuing Fettan Mask instead. You need 7 Tainted Brain Matter, 1 Bladesworn Talisman (which needs 1 more Tainted Brain Matter), 1 Haunted Steel (and this uses another 12 Cthonic Seals) , and this is too much for an item that we will eventually discard to min-max end game builds.

Also , please allow these lower legendary blueprints to be sold by faction vendors. Rather than resetting the vendor in the Feral Thicket with only 1 Skeleton Key , which can be considered an in-game exploit.

low level legendariers are completely useless for the reason that they do not provide item skill modifiers - which monster infrequents do. Also their armor rating is garbage. Hence you are better off using MI, faction items and greens that you craft plus common blue epic items as a budget end-game build which you can farm for legendariers with. I guess you are after in making a sword and board cadence warlord like this https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lNkQqR6V even if you had non-mythical warborn set, this version will just smoke it especially if you consider level 50 versions of the armor pieces (which would get lower base armor to make it balanced).

Fun story, rektbyprotoss just did a SSF ranged purifier using the non-mythical justicar set. He was so damn squishy in end-game partially because of the extreme low armor. Random greens, MIs, blue and faction gear would have served him much better.


That’s my point of the post. Make it more affordable so that it can be used as a stop gap measure before reaching Revered with factions or finding helmets with better armor. As a written guide , I might consider that helm at different levels of the build but the cost is way too high to even suggest it. 8 Tainted Brain Matter and 12 Chtonic Seals. Crazy. And there are more Level 50 , 65 , 75 legendary items with such huge requirements which imo should be re-considered.

I did not say anything about the cost, they are not worth to use because they are garbage in their own right.

Also, you need either RNG to get get the helmet blueprint so you can craft and transmute to set (or vendor abuse vinelton to buy blueprint).

Do you wanna play endgame in level 50 armor? No I don’t think so.

My experience is also that new players are too focused on sets, making these garbage sets even more accessible will only hurt in the long run.

The reason why these sets even exists is beyond my understanding, but I believe it has to do with base-game, where you cap at level 85 so these sets makes “some sense” there, but not in the DLCs.

Yeah even I don’t understand the point of these non-mythical sets but I guess like what you said , it could be for players who only have the base game.

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not sure if it applies to “all” legendaries 75-84, but a ton of them are indeed remnants from base game

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