Loxmere Nightmage and Hardcore

Is there anyway to mod this seriously OP cunt out of hardcore? Just lost a level 70 on Elite and I never even saw him until after I was one-shotted. I mean this character was easily handling all bosses and act bosses up to this point without ever going below 1/2 HP. Pretty ridiculous… I don’t want to resort to re-loading saves on Hardcore, but when stuff like this happens, it seems I would be justified in doing so.


Since B31 or 1.0 Loxmere only spawns in a specific area in Ashen Wastes. Just avoid the area and you’re good. Unfortunately i don’t know where but i think there is a thread about it on the forums.

how did it managed to kill u unseen 1shot? ur highest damage taken?

Lox is the leper kid developers love so much.

He’s terrible by design, being a double gear check - a) if you’ll be able to stand the massive initial nuke, b) if you’ll manage to facetank him quickly. And yeah, bitch hits hard. Any kind of kiting and strategical gameplay is not an option at all, literally impossible.

The drop of buffs with all the defensive devotions attached is just a slight inconvenience and a small detail of the utter mess he is.

Oh, his design also doesn’t work well in a game with a HC mode. Skip if undergeared, fight when fed. At least now he got a fixed spawn location. If new to the game and unaware of him, it’s a kind of forced reroll.

Loxmere is in the little patch of green stuff on the ground that hurts in Plains of Strife.