Dear Zantai ,
If you read this , I have a offer . After Numerous times I had Spent in GD , Both of class (Vindicator and Mage Hunter ) are my favorite choice . Espicially , when both of it combine with Ludrigan set . Despite of good stats and bonuses on the set , I think the bonus for Inquisitor from this set are still iilogical . My playing style is spellcaster , both of classes are low-health then I think the most reliable strategy is “cast and run " . So my offer is may you could change the bonus of " chilling rounds " from Ludrigan set to any ways below :
_ 100% Cold / Fire dam converted to Lightning dam to “Word of pain” = -15/20% lightning ressistance tp “Word of pain "
_ 100% Fire dam converted to Lightning dam to " Inquisitor Seal” - +1.5-2 meter radius for " Inquisitor Seal”
_ 100% Fire dam converted to Lightning dam to " Aura of Censure "
_ Add a granted skill after equiped full set of Ludrigan : Lightning rune ( Rune Binder ) / Call the storm ( Squall / Codex of eternal Storm )
Although I not a main tester like famous peoples on GD community (like
RektbyProtoss ) , I think my Opinion could make a contribution for the game !
Best Regards
(Sorry for my bad english. I searching for Vocabulary while writing this Discussion , Oh crap what a feel .)