Mad Queen with pet build???

So, just quickly comparing The Night King, build 1.0, and your build…

DaShiv shows 23% more pet OA, loads more crit damage (I stopped counting at 30%, in 3 slots…) over twice as much pet attack speed as you, has summon skeletons at 26/16 (a HUGE damage increase, also helps them last a lil longer). And 6 extra pets from an actual pet relic. You are also throwing away a lot of points into skills that are giving you poor returns. You lack any of the ‘phys/vitaltiy to lightning’ conversion that the build is based on yet have kept the (for you completely useless) arcane bomb devotion. Most of the damage in that build is lightning pet damage, and for that damage type he would have somewhere around 1300% before procs of any sort, along with better resistance shredding (and better/more frequent crits, and more pets, etc).

Your DPS is seriously somewhere around 25% of his (I’m being generous here) meaning you are trying to fight Mad Queen in a long drawn out fight of attrition, and that isn’t going to fly.

Actually, only ranged attacks will trigger the life reduction projectiles from her aura.

Projectile burst
(100% Chance when Hit by Ranged Attacks)

31 Energy Cost
5 Projectile(s)
442-559 Piercing Damage
442 Vitality Damage
3% Reduction to Enemy’s Health
651 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
238 Reduced target’s Defensive Ability for 6 Seconds

She apparently puts her aura every 14 seconds, unless i’m reading the database wrong. She uses it, there’s a 2 seconds timeout and then a 12 seconds cooldown.

When I said ‘understand how they work’, I really did mean understand how they work on a fundamental level. I’m not trying to be an ass, I do want to help you improve as everyone at one point or another is a beginner or has struggled with endgame content.

Copying skills and devotions will do you no good if you don’t know what your bonuses are doing for you and your comments throughout the topic about % pet damage tell me that you do not know much about pet builds at all - % pet damage is not the priority stat for pet builds or rather, it is not the stat you should be stacking. Silben has already broken down most of what makes DaShiv’s build good and what yours lacks in comparison.

I implore you again - read this section from his pre-expansion Dracarris Pyromancer and understand that pet builds are not all about % pet damage, there are more valuable stats that they crave. After that, re-read The Night King to understand it as much as possible as Silben mentioned - you are missing key components like the Stormbringer of Malmouth that otherwise render other parts of your build useless or an endgame pet relic that provide big boosts to pet damage.

I feel u bruh, she ate my squad like its afternoon snack goddaaayyyym.
Come on grim dawn god, not everyone is asian pro gamer, i want to beat her too!!

@Silben: How is adding lightning damage to ALL pets a waster of time??? That damage is still modified by 900% (when buffs on) and added to all pets. Waste? You failed to notice I have proc to add 300% to all damage as well. Also better resistance shredding? How? and finally my DPS 25% of his. No way. Also Converting Vitality to lightning for the 300% lightning not huge as pets get vitality boost anyway.

Nothing to see in this thread. Just another complainer that doesn’t want any suggestions or help, only sympathy.

There you go mad queen with a pet build

(my build actually better equipped)

Please describe, in detail, how you think your build is better equipped than DaShiv’s Night King.

And to think I was almost contrite about my first reply to you, OP. Wew.

Its better because he said so. Duh
That’s why he cant kill what DaShiv’s can.

Great mad queen drop from ver. wonderful post thanks! Also I only meant to say my base damage is higher. Did not mean to say my build was better however some of the things being said are flat wrong. Assigning lightning damage to all pets when the get 900% damage to all is not USELESS just because I don’t have the 300% lighting modifier! That comment is useless. Also no one has a clue what version we are on I guess because we keep referring to DaShiv and his queen drop from months ago. My whole point was how much it has changed with recent patches but obviously that can not be grasped for whatever reason.

Many of you “experts” laughing at one comment taken out of context about my build and boasting your superior knowledge of understanding the build concept and how big a waste of time to assign lightning damage to pets with no equipped lightning modifier. Since you are so knowledgeable please post your vid of mad queen drop with latest version. Should be a piece of cake for you as you must have tremendous builds far exceeding mine. Can’t wait to see :slight_smile:

I just beat mad queen right now on ultimate, in about 1 and a half minutes using an un-optimized (item wise) variation of this build :undecided:

So unfortunately you are doing something fundamentally wrong and it might be best to take into consideration what everyone else had said previously tbh :wink:

EDIT: btw i am no expert by any means and play GD very casually, hence why i personally can not tell you how to make your build work better.

That feeling when your cynical outlook matches reality. :undecided:

@arnge Thanks for that. I am missing more damage probably than I think. 1 1/2 minutes obviously a lot more than 5.3 seconds so she is much harder obviously.

The Mad Queen hasn’t changed in a long time.

The build being referenced was nerfed, sure, but certainly nowhere near enough to bring the kill time from 5.3s to minutes.

DaShiv’s build is based off of using the Stormbringer of Malmouth and the Glyph rings to convert a good portion of his pets’ Physical damage, as well as all of the Skeletons’ Vitality damage, into Lightning damage. That means his pets have much more base damage concentrated in one damage type than your build does (note: the rings’ 160% pet Lightning damage and the shoulder’s 150% pet Lightning damage won’t show up in the pet sheet, so in fact the base damage of his primary type is close to 900% if you just add those three items with the rest of his equipment).

Even if we were to take your statement at face value, 150 base damage with an 800% damage multiplier is far, far more DPS than 20 base damage with a 900% damage multiplier. That doesn’t also include DaShiv’s superior RR and Crit multipliers, which compounds the difference by orders of magnitude.

When DaShiv comes up with his v1.0.4.1 version of the build, it will beat the Mad Queen in 8 seconds, if not even sooner. Very little has changed when it comes to pet builds and beating the Mad Queen quickly.

Got it makes sense thank you :). I need to farm some more items.