Mage Hunter in Forgotten Gods

I haven’t played my Mage Hunter seriously in FG. Only once to test the new Iskandra Set, which didn’t excite me that much.

Do you have some interesting ideas to TC or build to play with my Mage Hunter, with a Forgotten God flavour ? Maybe some kind of Rune Caster ?

Note: I’ve already played a lot of PRM (Cold and lightning), some FoI and some of this 4xDeva I made pre-FG.

My favorite Mage Hunter is still Allagast. Storm Box of Elgoloth becomes nearly spammable, making tethering easy. The nice thing about aether/lightning is that Arcane Bomb takes care of both resistances. The only Forgotten Gods update for me though is Mythical Glyph of the Storm Witch.

ill check light AAR tonight, since cold aar spellbreaker was succeed new project time

will check some items augments bla bla,

light AAR, hope it wont be waste of time

edit, btw class combo has perfect cc res, ms, hp, racial dmg, tons of things to be a great caster but i always feel like something missing in this class combo that i cant %100 point out.

I wanted to try and make a solid AAR MH but it was already done by someone it seems, although too many greens were used to my taste. I have heard that new Iskandra kinda sucks, but I haven’t tried it myself, so it might not be true.

In any case, you can always try my PRM build, although it’s a bit too easy

I love the gameplay but I think the Set underperforms and needs adjustments ofr better damage and especially defence. It’s very squishy. There’s a wonderful feedback here by Pareto:

I’m interested in this spellbreaker if you have a link. Cold AAR seems to not have many item support and stealing some ideas might be great for a Cold AAR Mage Hunter.

Iskandra: I tried a very offensive set-up and the damage on TSS isn’t really great for a nuke (though it has been buffed last patch and didn’t check again). The lack of skill points for another maxed skill and the RNG in TSS CDR makes the gameplay a bit weird. Allagast/Trozan Sets feel more fluid. Maybe, there’s a twist to make it work.

PRM: I played a lot of it already and my Spellbinder is also Aether PRM atm, so … :slight_smile:

@bellz ,

sure man, its epic char for main campaign even spellbreaker version and i bet magehunter will be alot better… actually conduit converts 2 dmg types of AAR will make thing easier but still not supported as much as light or aether for sure. rimetongue chest is solid option aswell
i tried +10 different item and devotion setup and they are kinda similar on performing side. so rest is your choice

last version i played
also recorded 1 crucible test run but didnt upload on youtube. around 8mins full buffed… pretty meh to play crucible lack of aeo and lineer laser of arr.

ultra defensive version reachs nearly perma 3.4k armor 30 phys res over cap res

video of 7 sec sharzul kill, bad mutator -55 rr proc missing due to trash shadowstrike and ring of steel :frowning:

things you can do with %40 cdr felt amazing and i kinda miss playing spellbreaker man… forgotten class of gd

hope you play and enjoy too, cold aar visually amazing

btw iskandra was hopeless, dont know about last changes. set seems lack of another spell support since you cant solo play TSS…

also 1 more char i extremely enjoyed last week while playing… full fburn spellbreaker… sadly building fburn is harder than other dots but dmg and playstyle is so good.

fburn caster spellbreaker

I’m not sure what the point of Iskandra is now, but Trozan does everything it does, has support for wind devil and combines with Cataclysm. I don’t know why I would play TSS any other way to be honest.

Thanks a lot. I always forget about good greens. A lot of good ideas in there. Going TSS + Cold AAR (+ Deva?), I like it. I’ll try and make a build this week.

Because it’s pink! :rolleyes:

I tried Iskandra as well, and in my hands it was middling; it played like a wonky Trozan’s Skybreach. I’m hesitant to give feedback on it since I merely rushed through a couple of variations, but it’s a hard set to understand. Five pieces including head, amulet and off-hand with no source of sustained healing or special defenses. A single supported skill that only deals modest damage, even accounting for DoTs and the occasional double-cast. (Component skills or post-nerf Callidor won’t carry you very far, and Devastation is not enough of a supplement.) A %WD modifier that is almost immaterial for damage and lifesteal. It’s tri-elemental, but only grants -15% additional RR, and single target at that.

The whole set felt like a five-piece Conduit to me, one of those funky ones that are meant to be wacky and fun rather than balanced around endgame content. I don’t know how to make it work, but I’d be curious to hear from Praetorians who tested it and might have better ideas.

It’s as if Iskandra were Trozan’s teenage niece and she’d created her set while going through a phase. Hopefully she got over it and went on to accomplish better and greater things. :stuck_out_tongue:

I too have only briefly tried the new Iskandra’s but having played a Trozan druid since vanilla I can say that I can’t get them to the same level. The added weapon damage doesn’t have much of an effect, at least not that I could see. Honestly Allagast TSS is about the power level of the new Iskandra, and Allagast performs best when you completely ignore TSS in favor of Storm Box, so yeah, not great. To me it’s a waste of a set, it was honestly more useful in the old version.

Theorycrafted this

Haven’t tested it tho and I don’t expect it to be very good :smiley:

I’ve tried this (Cold AAR + TSS + Deva). Unfortunately, this is too squishy and I think I’ll have to take Aura of Censure and find a more conservative devotion path. From what I’ve TCed, it’ll be a GDstash only build, not enough skill point support with cold damage on items.

this is so weird build , why combine tss with aar :smiley: aar is not bad on cold side but you need to fully commit aar items shoulder and such… and sadly censure is too big to pass

Weird, that’s why I love it :stuck_out_tongue: What would you choose as a second ability then ? Callidor’s Tempest with some harra pieces? Rune of hagarrad ?

This is what I play. 4 horrible GDstashed items. Good enough for MC (Kravall, Master of Flesh, Lokarr OK). I love the gameplay: AAR + TSS and nice freezes. Just a build for entertainment.

looks solid to me and i bet its fun to play :wink: