Make Boars Optional or Prevent them from Spawing in Fenced Areas

I’ve play for over 1400 hours, and so far, my only gripe with the game it’s boar spawning. I believe I’ve stated my dislike before but since the game is approaching release, I’ll make a last attempt
When I can, I build a fence around a boar’s spawning point in a zone in which I want to build, or put crops, even if it mess up the layout
However, the most annoying issue is, sometimes the boars actually move away but then they start spawning inside a perfectly fenced area, like my forester camps which are big because I like to use them as mini-settlements
I’ll be more than happy to deals with more wolves, or roaming bears in exchange of not having boars at all, although, preventing the boars for spawing inside a fenced area, would be equally good, if not better

I do kind of like the challenge of the boar spawning. I put a tower and hunter near the spawn point and regularly get a boar spawn of good meat. Sometimes I put two hunters and two towers if enough spawns.

True but for some players this can be very unimmersive. How can a boar spawn into a fenced area from the void? Hence the issue.

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Thank but although farming the boars is the usual solution, I don’t want to spend resources doing something I don’t need, or want
But that’s not my only problem, the boars attack the villagers doing routine maitenance of the fences or buildings nearby, and since the villagers would go anyway, they end up killed which lead to other villagers going for such maitenance or to retrieve the bodies, and the cycle repeats

That exactly my issue!
If I remove wolves dens or even riders camps, they do not magically respawn inside the city

I’ve changed my mind on this issue. I also believe they should be removable…

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Would be nice if they just respawned somewhere else on map if removed.

Did you read the State of Early Access #6?


OK, I usually don’t read patch notes of any game but, after losing my previous reply to my internet getting down again, when it got up I did, and I’m glad I did it!
Although it doesn’t mention boars specifically, I like the possibility of disabling raiders to deal just with animals because Creative Mode seems right down my alley. Just now I’m terraforming one of the most inhospitable maps I know, and the only thing lacking a bit, it’s more wildlife to repopulate, and beautify the environment, like patches of grass, flowers, and even some animals
It seems, now I’m going to put down even more hours into playing :smiley:

i completely agree. It feels janky having to builod hunter huts and a guard tower just so your population doesn’t randomly drop. Remember guys boars spawn in enclosed fields so only murder can happen.
It ultimately feels like poor game design. I completely agree with the fact that you need to battle wildlife eating your cropfields, but the interaction of a boar spawning ontop of villagers and going berserk is just silly.

Maybe an idea might be, separate the hunting buildings, rather than it being an upgrade

the normal one, uses brutal weapon and bow to hunt wolves and deer (gives some use for those weapons, mid to late game)

the more costly one, uses crossbows and weapons to hunt boar (but does a better job:P)

currently you have to babysit them with a lookout tower at least, not ideal :smiley:

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12 x 12 square fenced area, then kill all the boars highlighted. I’ve got four in my current game, the boars can’t attack and I can’t kill them by accident, makes for a better game. If Hunters with crossbows could harvest them that would be great but we need an economic reason to harvest wolf/boar/bear pelts as well.