Make more sets target farmable - via their blueprint

basic idea being some sets also get their blueprint added to a specific boss
this way new players might alleviate potential part of RNG if they didn’t luck out yet

ex could be Bargol could have 2-5?% chance to drop Avenger blueprint, Fabius could drop Belgo? etc etc

potential reduction in some RNG if only interested in “a” specific set and feel like haven’t lucked out on the way, while also making some MC boss farming more relevant even if not interested in their MI, "thematic"bonus :grin:

*would no doubt upset some that feel everything should be a bigger grind :sweat_smile:


I like the idea - for people who don’t have tons of each legendary yet it will make it certainly more easy to gear your favorite char

EDIT: makes me think of my good old sorc before the dlcs were out and far before you could transmute, always wanted to have a justicar set char, took me 3500 hours approx to loot shoulderguards of justice :joy:

Actually great idea :thinking:

patiently waiting for the usual Res post that everyone ignores


You know what, I like how it is now. You know why? I like the grind and this suggestion will make everything too easy for everyone & that’s why I despise this idea. :steam mocking:


It would not be better for dungeon sellers to sell these blueprints, new players would be confused with tables about which boss can give you “x” blueprint

well the thing is, only dungeon seller who does that is the flower in ancient grove and that one doesn’t sell anything above lvl 75 either.

IMHO that is one of the things the league got right. The ability to convert an item to its mythical version means that the sold ancient grove blue prints could get you legendary item sets.

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definitely +1 to this.

nope, they would not :smile:

i thought about it, and while it’s not totally bad, i also thought it fell in the “too simplistic” category.
league’s similarly with savage’s mention; it just shifts more farming to vendor, instead of making bosses/“content” relevant

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They get lost doing the quest line and do you think they won’t be confused with boss tables? It’s better if you can buy it

i like that you think they’d get confused about boss tables, but not if a merchant doesn’t have it in stock… :man_facepalming: *
and no, i dont’ think they’d be confused about boss tables, because the grimtools and wiki, and build posts exists
“players are already perfectly good at knowing what to targetfarm for stuff they need” - because they look it up
specially since this then only pertain to the minority fraction of players going to end, which already tend to care a bit more about things to check information available.

*how do i know the players get confused when they run into a merchant that don’t have item in stock: because it’s already happening, have encountered it several times on the discord where players ask about benevald and vinelton because of their rotating stock

and as mentioned; i don’t think it’s a good idea to shift more farming onto merchants, they already serve a fair purpose in that regard, but shouldn’t begin to lower more content relevance, imo - “too easy”, while also meaning playing less of the game, leave merchants as they currently are

Also, for more variety in beginner’s guides this would be good. Quite a bit of guides now set you up with Dark One’s set, for example. Having a couple of strong endgame sets be somewhat target farmable means you have a wider variety of “starter” builds that when completed with their own target farmable set, will enable people to start farming CR/SR for random drops. I am not saying these should be overly easy to acquire, but at least you know that if you kill a specific boss enough, you will get your set. I didn’t like Vit casters so much, so I grinded a Morgoneth’s Set for my shadowstrike Infiltrator. It felt empowering to have worked for it, but also knowing what the reward would be. This was in contrast with endlessly hoping I might get pieces of Bysmiel’s Trinkets set, and after over 1000h of total play time (not farming) I never have seen a single one.

I wouldn’t mind having maybe two or three more sets available like these. If I recall correctly we have: Dark One, Krieg, Vanquisher and Morgoneth sets? Might be more but I am noob.

I am against adding more stuff to shops. Farming shops is incredibly boring and finally getting what you were looking for does not feel like “Oh wow, I did it!” at all, it feels more like: “Thank you, dear lord, finally…” which is not the kind of gameplay I would look forward to :slight_smile: