Make Ulzuin's Chosen multicast the skill rather than reset its cooldown

The title. For the past few days I’ve been testing a Barrelsmith Purifier at endgame for my next build overview and using both Grenado and Canister Bomb with the passive is a pretty uncomfortable experience. Since the player can’t rely on their cooldowns always being the same for their rotation as the cooldowns can randomy reset, we’re left just mashing the buttons on repeat, cause the only alternative is staring at the skillbar instead of the fight the whole time. This leads to pretty rapid hand fatigue. I can only play the build about an hour at a time before I need to rest my hand. I’m wondering if the same gameplay effect couldn’t be achieved with way less fatigue if instead of resetting the cooldown, Ulzuin’s Chosen would just recast the skill on proc automatically, with a procced Grenado/Bomb being able to proc itself from the passive again, so the equivalent of chaining cooldown resets can still be maintained.


CD has a sound effect as well.
If that doesnt help either: GDautocaster
No more button mashing ever.

It does but if you’re using both skills you can’t tell which skill it procced on so you’ll usually have to press both to make sure. Plus, in the middle of combat you may not always hear the sound effect, and if you’ve been playing the build for a while, it can just become background noise.

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I hear you.
GDautocaster will e.g. press both buttons at the same time. Or also pressing them together with your main attack. Its gold for CD spells like that.

As someone who has been doing Barrelsmiths Sorc since forever I agree: casting two skills with Ulzuin’s Chosen is indeed a lot of “fatique”, it feels clunky and sometimes it interrupts other casts, sometimes ulzuin’s chosen skills interrupt other casts.

And yeah, software can trivialize that but not everyone wants to use it or use macros.

I like op’s suggestion here, although I doubt Crate will make such a drastic re-design that late in the game.

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Normally I would agree and not even propose this but it seems Z is much more willing to be making sweeping changes right now with what’s been happening in 9.8 and 1.2 so this might be as good a time as any. Given that it’s a passive and not an active skill, it might make the skill change a bit more palatable from Z’s perspective.

I wouldn’t mind the change. Ulzuin’s Chosen mechanics always felt clunky to me.

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