I know this has been asked for before and I know what answers were previously given, but I would like to request it at least one last time in the spirit of ‘MOAR’ QoL stuff for the upcoming patch.
I am not sure what can be said as an argument in favor of this that hasn’t been said before, but regarding Mythical Codex of Eternal storms, perhaps it can receive some other modifier instead.
Imo this OH is already very stacked with what it offers and why should this get other modifiers?
For what exact reason?
We have Yeti Horns for the folks that want to to spam devils for e-cute stacking and we have codex that offers them perma with a good skill on top of that & even good bonuses.
the offhand makes devils permanent
so since the request is to make devils permanent, by default; the modifier in such case would be wasted, thus warrant/deserve replacement
tho since Z ever so graciously declined the perma wind devil request yet again, that replacement would then be reduntant
On 2nd thought I guess I get where the request is coming from since BSpirits & Guards are perma as well.
I just don’t know if everything needs to be perma tho since devils are fairly powerful in their own right & have massive ele rr % on them on top of impaired aim too.
Wind Devils would have to be nerfed if they were permanent and all the items supporting them would have to be adjusted as compensation. Guardians used to be timed as well in the FG beta and got heavily nerfed after they were made permanent, but back then the items that supported them were still being adjusted unlike the current Wind Devil items which have gotten many changes and are more or less balanced around Wind Devils being timed.
I think having to readjust a ton of items so that they can be permanent is more trouble than it’s worth and Zantai probably has other priorities.
I hate having to repeatedly spawn Wind Devils more than pressing the heal button once every 30 seconds, so thought I would take my shot even if it was mostly likely going to be refused :3
Personally, I don’t see issues with making it permanent in terms of the skills strength since from my perspective it is only a QoL change and nothing more as the duration is considerably higher than CD anyway. Imo, it is not going to get noticeably weaker or stronger just because having to repeatedly press the button is eliminated, unless it is about the travelling distance and summoning animation making the difference? (not sure how much of a difference that brings)
But anyway, none of it matters anymore since Z is clearly against the idea. So, I will simply have to keep using the Codex of Eternal Storms in my pet builds
Fair point.
When playing anything that isnt trozan set, codex or yeti horn it can feel annoying at times.
The main issue I personally have is them moving with -speed behind you.
I personally dont play with any pets that require spamming as I have problems with my hands. I would also like to c this permanent as well. In one mod instead of 3 its cut down to 2 but it is a permanent pet. But I can understand they dont want to make all those adjustments for 1 pet. O well we can dream or play mods,.
Fun idea: change Wind Devil to be a skill-shot instead pseudo-pet. There’s too many problems with them and they are still clunky to use even after all changes to them. The only way to use them and not feel bad about them is by using Codex.
Just make them travel in a straight line and deal damage along the way. Items that let you summon more than one at one time will just do that (increasing their hitbox in some way). Codex can be compensated in another way. Make -%ele res last a few seconds and Maelstrom activate a few times during travel time.
Of course this won’t happen because there won’t be any big mechanical changes to skills at this point of development but one can dream. Maybe just take notes for GD2 because one thing that I’m missing in GD are transmuters/items that change how skills work in a drastic way (like turning pets into skill-shots or Bone Harvest becoming single-target nuke instead AoE cone skill, etc.).
fun fact
timed wind devils (as is/in their current form) are stronger than perma devils
so it’s simply just not a good argument that devils would be too strong/need rebalancing if made permanent
other points fall apart too, empys have RR too; and are also strong if built around
blade spirits dmg stack (all of it - devils do not) and are literally in 2 of the top20 builds: meanwhile no wind devil focused build is
clearly strength is not the deciding factor (hint never has been the devs’ argument, it’s gameism)
but as maya said, all the things have already been addressed before each time when talks have come up several times before, and there is just never any good arguments against making them permanent, but in the end there doesn’t have to be, devs don’t want all the pets to be the same
again, apples and oranges
what part of “wind devils as is in their current form are stronger than if making those same as is devils permanent” did you miss?
Empys likely had totally different stats and scalings pre-release
meanwhile since devil dmg does not stack outside maelstrom they have only 2 dmg stacking/scaling factors currently: both of which can only be utilized on timed devils and disappears on perma devils, so it’s simply not a strength factor: because perma devils are weaker already when using current devil scaling
“the thing you are arguing as point does not exist”
what part are you saying isn’t right, that current form devils is stronger because timed version/weaker as is if made permanent
or that empys had different stats? - asking because the way you’re quoting makes it unclear
since your very next points is basically confirming that empys had very different stats during pre-release i’m assuming that’s not it? “because you just confirmed they had totally different stats ans scaling, just like i suggested might have been the case”
and that you’re misunderstanding/don’t know why or how perma devils are weaker than timed?
because let me make it clear, incase it was the point that was missed: current form wind devils stats/scaling: are weaker if we make these same devils permanent vs time; their strength comes from not being permanent, allowing multi dot stackign - this goes away on perma devils