Hey Guys, I’m thinking about making a Savagery Warder. I already had a Primal Strike warder and loved it, but want to try Savagery since I keep hearing it has better survivability.
My only major concern with this is where would the AoE damage with Savagery come from (especially early on when leveling)? Is there some Devotion Constellation that I would use on Savagery for AoE? There must be something that helps with the clear speed.
Also I’m not sure if Oleron’s Rage or Primal Bond is better. Any help is appreciated.
You’re never gonna have a ton of aoe, but it will end up being okayish. Falcon swoop+spear of the heavens devotions will help with aoe as well as feral hunger/zolhans procs. Once you have the gear Ultos weapon proc and 5 piece set bonus proc will help contribute more on top, though Ulzuin head piece is better for -lightning debuff and it also doesn’t look so stupid
Stormcaller’s pact > Oleron’s > Primal Bond. Not sure why you overlooked stormcallers! Stormcaller’s is most damage by far. Oleron’s OA is good, move speed is nice, but the rest of the stats are wasted. Primal bond damage absorb is nice, but is not needed and over the top. Damage bonuses from it irrelevant unless you wanna make a bleed build
Thanks for the info. The only reason I overlooked Stormcallers is because I looked at a bunch of other threads and everyone was using either Oleron or Primal Bond for Savagery. Stormcallers seemed to be more for Primal Strike, but I guess since Savagery does some lightning damage it would be good.
Also for the AoE, would Reckless Tempest be good from the Tempest constellation?
Just add my 2cents here, not worth using stormcaller pact and go crazy on lightning, I built physical trauma bleed and I reached 60K dps with shitty gear and was as twice as tanky, the investment in lightning is what everyone does but its really bad. Too many points spent for not so much value in return.
AoE is always a concern with this build. The only thing you will have is falcon swoop, feral hunger, zolhan technique early on.
If you go lightningless like I did you just put one point in upveal and attach blind fury from the oleron constellation to it, they will always proc together.
You wont get the same clear speed as primal for thrash but you will have a really high single target dps. Also easy mode to kill the avatar.
Char sheet dps is misleading in this case, since trauma and bleeding inflates it while not being that useful.
Stormcaller’s Pact is awesome because of the crit damage bonus, not so much the lightning. But since Ultos set is lightning as well, it’s a better choice.
You can get higher OA with a lightning setup because of the lightning-specific %OA bonuses (SotH, Dying God, 3 piece Ultos set bonus) despite not having Oleron’s rage.
Resistance reduction is more or less the same, and both builds waste bleeding damage.
Conclusion: Ultos Warder is awesome, use Witchblade for physical+bleeding+trauma 2handers.
I think you can get some AoE from Bear constellation, too, but I don’t know how good it is. Also I went for Primal Bond, the damage mitigation is supposed to work wonders once you hit Ultimate. I’m not sure whether Blitz(+Blindside) qualify as AoE, but they’re also options.
How Ultos doing against the avatar? I want to make sure I can kill anything this game has to offer with this build. I did most my test with dummy and calculated how fast I could take them to 0. I managed to squeeze the rho scepter, kraken, oleron and get a lot of atk speed%. Used a lot of the spare points to maximize my damage output with soldier skills I couldnt have gotten if I went storm caller pact.
1- Warder already have the biggest HP pool of all the other builds.
2- Ultos give 8-12% physical resist. Savagery another 8%. You can get another 5-17% from the other slots.
3- Ultos + Field Command = Adeguate armor
4- Adeguate Hp regen. Can be a lot better with the right Procs from devotions (giant blood / healing rain)
You are already covered. Primal Bond, defense-wise, is just overkill imho. Unless of course we’re speaking of an HC char.
+Critical damage is be the BIGGEST boost to a build’s damage output, comparable to massive resistances reduction in some cases, and a bit better/worse in others. This is, ofc, if you manage to get your OA to a point where you can crit consistently.
About Bear… I cannot say anything untill i try first hand how bad the nerf to Falcon is.
How Ultos doing against the avatar? I want to make sure I can kill anything this game has to offer with this build. I did most my test with dummy and calculated how fast I could take them to 0. I managed to squeeze the rho scepter, kraken, oleron and get a lot of atk speed%. Used a lot of the spare points to maximize my damage output with soldier skills I couldnt have gotten if I went storm caller pact.
You’re aware that all the bonuses on rhowan’scepter are ONLY active while you’re wielding a mace? Because the Ultos’weapon is an axe.
Also there a post in the first page of this section, from GeneralCash (one of the contributors of this post), that has an up to date guide to a warder like the one you’re trying to make. Dont know why has not advertised his own guide himself, but take a look. is well written.
Takes forever and it’s boring, but you can’t die. I farmed my shoulders on Elite. Having 91% lightning resistance without changing your item build helps a lot.
Yeah im not using Ultos at the moment, I decided to go lightningless. So far so good but I would like to compare my build vs Ultos to see which one is better. I killed the avatar on normal only it took 5min but I still dont have the best gear. I will take a look at the guide you suggested.