making .tex buttons

I found some 32x32 icons I wanted to use for mastery skills, downloaded and fiddled with them to get buttonup and buttondown versions, found a website that would convert them to .psd (had to convert them to .gif first), couldn’t make them .tex so tried using them as .psd the way the Coronus mod does …and ended up with large checkerboards where I should have had icons.
I can’t get the GD programs to convert them and I don’t have Photoshop.

Is there a reliable way to make .tex files from some other format (preferably a common one)?

Try tga. Should work out pretty good.

Using .tga for the files gives the checkerboard in GD.
Using .tga files as a base to convert to .tex doesn’t work in the Asset Manager - the OK button is always grayed out.
I don’t know how to use the command-line texture compiler.

List your process, step by step in extreme detail so we can see what you’re doing because I guarantee you tga and psd will work, I have already converted several hundred tex to tga and back to tex and it works. (just go look at grim quest)

I find a 32x32 graphic on Google.
Here is one I tried.
I download it.
I convert it to .gif with Paint if it isn’t already.
I make buttonup and buttondown versions in Paint by filling the white with light gray.
I use the first .tga converter on Bing to convert the gifs to .tga files.
I put the tgas in Grim Dawn\mods\Pikeuporn\source\UI\Skills\Icons.
I try to use Asset Manager to change them to .tex and it won’t.
–I click on the Assets undertab.
–I right-click in the window and select New.
–I either click on Texture or Bitmap.
–I load a tga from the location above.
–The OK button is grayed out.
I change the lines in the skill file(s) to, e.g., “skillDownBitmapName,ui/skills/icons/class07/quillstrikedown.tga,” and “…up.tga”.
I build and run the mod and have checkerboards instead of buttons.

Maybe they have to be in .tex to start with?
-But then there’s no way to use public graphics.

Why not?

Use .tga
In Asset Manager, right click the file -> Auto-create Asset -> Texture
Decide whether you need transperancy or not (is it a round passive skill? If yes, use DXT3 transperancy).
Click OK.
Congrats, you have a .tex file.

Edit: Saves/loads to/from .tga

If he is making icons he should be using bitmap and not texture. It might work the same in the end but bitmap makes things simpler when you have to convert tons of files all at once.

Okay, I think I’m partway.

In Asset Manager:
I selected the mod.
I drilled down to the tga files (Sources undertab).
I right-clicked on the tga files and selected Auto-Create Asset
– And it made me some .tex files in the corresponding place in Assets.

Only they’re still blue-and-yellow checkerboards in GD.
And the .tex files crash the GD tex viewer.

I will download and see if it makes me better tgas.
Edit: they’re still giving me checkerboards and crashing TexViewer.
And if I save them as bitmaps rather than textures, they also crash the tex compiler that Asset Manager runs.

Edit: I copied and renamed a pair of psd-based buttons that work fine in Coronus, created tex assets, rebuilt and ran: still a checkerboard.
So maybe that part of the problem is somewhere else?
-Yes! -I had an extra “class07” in the skill file lines; I should have deleted it instead of changing it.
E.g., to “icons/skillicon_quillstrike_down.tex,”.
I changed those and the buttons look good, even the round one with a white square behind it.

So my problem is solved; many thanks to everybody who responded.