Malmouth Filter gone

Hey there,

Since my GD re-install (again latest version), the green filter you have whenever being in Malmouth City is gone. It´s nice and shiny.

Just saying, because… I like it though :slight_smile:

What green filter?

You know, when you enter malmouth, everything is a bit green-ish, aether-colored. The only bright spot should be when you go the steps up in order to enter the room with the council.

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Maybe that filter was wrong. Can you share before / after screenshots?

Just wanted to say I also remember and liked it :slight_smile: Not sure if it’s still there in my game / if it’s always there or only in specific conditions etc.

Sry, dont have a screenshot in store from before…
So really, you guys never noticed the green tint when going from Malmouth outskirts into Malmouth City?
I was sure it was intended. Thought it was supposed to reflect the aetherized city; was also a bit depressive, which suited the whole theme.
And as I said, the only spot where the sun came through, was past the stairs, when you´re about to enter the city council.

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The question is how intense was the green before for you. And maybe the current setting is wrong. Have you already tried to verify your game files?

Nope. As I said, I actually like it without the tint now. Just wanted to know if it´s a bug or intended.

The green filter only turns on about halfway through Steelcap District, so if you’re expecting it

maybe you’re just not far enough yet? Candle District and the first half of Steelcap always had more neutral colouring, afaik. The green filter is definitely still in my game, just not in those first couple of areas.

I found the reason now:
Post Processing.
When disabled, the filter is gone. I began playing without PP a while ago because heavy particle effects disturbed my sight.

Sry for bothering!

That is why I do not see it either:

It looks quite eery with Post-Processing:

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In some situations, GD rly a whole new visual experience without PP. ^^

I love the PP option. In 2015 I was put off by the game which looked bad for me at very low graphics settings. A few years laters I tried again with PP and it made a huge difference for me. (2nd reason was that I managed to tweak FPS better). Just look at these screenshots (PP off/on is the only difference - to me it’s a game changer). Grim Dawn’s too grim/bland without PP at low setting for me.

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That´s with Deferred Rendering and Very high particles, I assume?

Yes, I play with these options (well particles are on High not Super High for some reasons - I don’t lower it because I failed to detect any impact on performance during multiple tests). Not sure why are you asking because they shouldn’t influence the screenshots I’ve attached. Or maybe you’re trying to pinpoint what affects the filter you mention in the OP.

Ah no, I thought the lights appear only with very high particles. But stationary lights are always on, I figured.
You´re right, your 1st screenshot rly is a bit underperforming.

My settings though (all maxed out, minus PP, only medium particles) lead to about the same as your 2nd screenshot.

So PP´s rly got its right to exist when it comes to low settings.

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Like the NBA advertisement “It’s a whole new game” :smile:

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So i’m confused. Did you just forget to turn pp on, or has the filter been removed entirely?

I turned my PP off, was happy with the desired effects (less particles) and when I arrived at Malmouth, I was wondering where the green fog has gone - not knowing that PP was responsible for it all along.

The effect can even be observed in Deadman’s Gulch. Without Post-Processing I never noticed it. Looking forward to Stonerend Quarry now, as I remember it being very intense there.

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