Ive noticed that managing workers and constructors becomes difficult sometimes. Is constructing a profession of only a few of my villagers?
When i desingage workers from some activities in my professions tab to free them to do something else more important, they commonly turn idle and start wandering around even if i have demand of constructors for something. They ignore the call of priority and the amount of people for the task maxed out and do nothing.
Is that a bug or is it something different o still didnt get?
Builders are automatically grabbed from the available laborer pool, up to the max you set in the professions UI. By default, this is 4, which can start to become limiting in larger towns, but you can increase it based on your needs.
Laborers without harvesting/transport tasks will idle as there are no available jobs for them to do.
Zantai, is the task for laborers based on range, or will free laborers perform a task on the other side of the city? Should we manually walk them to the harvest task?
Once you have a larger village and a larger amount of farms, it is a hint/trick/exploit? to unassign all farmers from their work in winter time. This will give you a huge amount of free workforce to boost up projects.
However I personally don’t like that mechanic because it feels like an exploit. It would be better if idle workers would automatically assign themselves onto building tasks or harvesting tasks once idle for too long.
The same goes of course with any other kind of workforce, its only that with the farmers you have this fixed season idle time that you can abuse here.