Haven’t played the game in at least 4 years. Started playing again a few days ago, still the best ARPG ever made and once again was having a ton of fun
Until I decided I wanted to get my current character a Deathstalker relic that is. I had really thought they fixed the Manticore Eyes problem, but sadly I had to realize they didn’t. How in the world are these things still so annoying to farm?? I just did like 30 Mogara runs(not kidding!), and she dropped ZERO Manticore eyes!(she’s level 107, so I’m not overleveled ofc). How is that even possible? Got 3 from all these runs, and all 3 dropped from alphas or heroes. Even farming for the Deathstalker blueprint took less time, got it after a dozen Ancient Grove runs, totally fine. But then I saw that I need 15 Manticore Eyes to craft it(why so many???), and yeah, farming them still sucks very bad and is not fun at all. A little disappointing that this is still the case after all these years. They even made farming for Gollus rings fun by giving it a 100% drop chance, but these silly Manticore eyes are still a pain in the butt. So my feedback is: increase Mogara’s drop chance, BIG TIME! Make it at least a 50% chance. Also decrease the number needed for crafting relics! 15 is ridiculously high!
Welp, vented a bit, back to like 200 more runs till I maybe, only maybe, will have the 15 that I need. And then probably put the game away again bc that farming experience sucked so bad…
Perhaps Magora’s Manticore Eye drop rate is bugged? Maybe with the change to 100% MI drop rate it lowered (or removed) her Eye drop rate? Here’s her listing in Grimtools DB:
It looks like she should have a 30% drop chance, but these pages seem confusing. Does she have a 60% chance for a 30% chance to drop the Eye? No idea!
Maybe you should post a thread in the bug subforum… that might get more attention.
In the meantime, it might be a better idea to do runs up to the entrance of the Ancient Grove Skeleton Key door. I think that Manticore Boss should have the 30% drop rate as well. I’m not 100% sure, but give it a try!
I remember farming Mogara for eyes a while ago, it definitely didn’t seem to drop very well from her. Might indeed be bugged-or bad luck. Full ancient Grove runs will definitely drop more; plus blooms, Kuba pants, and Gargy rings which are BiS for lots of phys/fire builds.
Bad luck isn’t impossible; it took me over 25 tries to get Deathstalker relic, at which point I had PLENTY of eyes.
I didn’t have too much luck with Mogara either but while farming the Mountain Deeps for some MIs I got a few Manticore eyes from the Treasure Trove down there.
Not sure what the actual droprates are but since the troves always drop 1-2 crafting mats, plus it’s probably quicker to farm than Mogara so might be worth a few runs.
Treasure Troves got buffed in the last patch. So maybe try farming those. Mountain Deeps is a good spot for that, and you can often also hit a totem which might spawn some manticores. Drop rate should be much better than 1 in 30 runs.
I would also advice to get a shitload of dynamite (you don’t need the aether shards for anything other instead tbh) and dismantle a lot of your legendaries with bad rolls. You’ll get a lot of valuable materials that way
Good suggestion. Anything with modifiers, dangerous areas etc. will have increased drop rate.
I somehow got plenty of eyes (157!!). Probably got a bunch from SR runs. So you can also try those.