Map Glitched and able to go off and under the map

Hey devs , I was playing a new “Medium Size” map , then suddenly the map glitched out :

Videos link :

I was able to go off and under the map , the issue still remained even after I restarted the game

  • PC specs : i7 - 13 gen CPU and RTX-4060 GPU and RAM - 16GB

I am not sure if devs are already aware , and also I am not aware if this is how it was intended also not sure if it is even a bug but thought to report it and make the game a little better .
If it is really a bug then let me know, It will make my day knowing that I made the game a little better

Also the game was “fresh install” and no mods were used , I haven’t used any mods ever.

You are not under the map.

What happened was you were zooming in and a mountain “behind” the camera was in the way, so the camera snapped to it. As the mountain is in the fog of war, it appears black. All the black you are scrolling through is unexplored territory, possibly along the edge of the map, which is very mountainous.

I see , it was intended then thanks for the reply

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