Hey devs , I was playing a new “Medium Size” map , then suddenly the map glitched out :
- Trigger : Predator attack notification , then zooming on the wolf
- Images :
Videos link : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/d1zs4pu8mrs61p71lne5k/h?rlkey=jjmcrymoika4r8xcelr487hyn&dl=0
I was able to go off and under the map , the issue still remained even after I restarted the game
- PC specs : i7 - 13 gen CPU and RTX-4060 GPU and RAM - 16GB
I am not sure if devs are already aware , and also I am not aware if this is how it was intended also not sure if it is even a bug but thought to report it and make the game a little better .
If it is really a bug then let me know, It will make my day knowing that I made the game a little better
Also the game was “fresh install” and no mods were used , I haven’t used any mods ever.