[MAP] Road to Northwode



I recently created a map to play around a bit with the modding tools (esp. the editor), to test and see how everything works, since I never have used anything alike. But I think that the map acutally got pretty neat to look at, so I thought that I should share it.
Right now, it’s just a map to walk around, no gameplay features. I may create a little adventure, where this map will be the first area.
I still hope you enjoy it!


  • I’m definitely gonna change the name of the map/ title of this thread, just couldn’t come up with something good (this took me 2 days…)
  • the map may be performance heavy (esp. the forest, but since you won’t fight, this shouldn’t be a problem)
  • English is not my native language (related to dialogues & notes)
  • all NPCs, dialogues, lootable objects and items are currently just placeholder
  • some NPCs might be misplaced sometimes (e.g. the guards shouldn’t be in front of the palisade) - I don’t have any clue why
  • some objects may have ugly/misplaced shadows (e.g. platforms in Canyon)

Yay, maps! I’ll sure give it a try when I get back from work! How big is the file?

The .zip file is 22 MB, unpacked 93 MB. I hope that I have put all the needed files in it …

Nice images, but I am confused by “you will not fight”, what is this mod about?

It’s not a mod, that’s why I named the title “[MAP]” and not “[MOD]” :slight_smile:
I just created a map to test the editor and other things, like adding new items or NPCs. There’s nothing to do, except walking around. I may create something like a little adventure/campaign, using this map as the first area.

I can’t get it to work. When I try to enter the game, it puts me in Devil’s Crossing. Have you put a spawnplayer controller in your map?

Looks good so far, I’d suggest diversifying the textures/environment a bit more since the majority is in brown tones.

I’m guessing you’re over lapping ground textures?

The spawnplayer controller is set. Did you create a new character? I am currently only using the uploaded files, and for me, it works. :confused:

Yup. Bad practice?

No, that’s what you should be doing to make the ground texture more varied.

I see a little bit in the pictures above (I’ll check the mod out in a bit) but it could use some more to offset the brown.

A beautiful map.

And delete templates.arc in your release build (because you dont need it here, and size is 80Mb+)

Alright! I forgot to make a new char.

It is a beautiful map, many many objects placed on the world, quite concentrated! Loved the crater, and the hat on the window still! I would personally prefer if pathing was painted red somewhere deep in the woods, because it looks like it is going somewhere when you enter a narrow path, but it’s not.

I also noticed that the archives take up a lot of space, I don’t think you need them.

Very nice, very nice. Why don’t you put some proxies in there and let people whack them up?:smiley:


I was working on this mod for quite a long time now, and thought that I could drop an update here, since a lot got changed.

I did not upload anything new. Just sayin’, before someone is going to download the file in the first post, expecting anything new.


  • Completely reworked the first area: Added a lot of details, improved immersion, recoloured every location, rewrote old/added new dialogue and added a bit of lore.
  • Working riftgates with custom map.
  • Added a second area, as huge as the first one, which consists of a mine, the “flooded mountain woods”, a graveyard and an “entrance to the catacombs”. Some locations are easily expandable, and since I’m used to the editor by now, creating new locations/content won’t take too long.
  • Added an unique “bonus location”, which requires you to complete a quest by finding 13 segments (of a shard), which are scattered (hidden) around both areas.
  • Better “navigation”/path finding throughout the map, since “key items” are required now to continue on your way (e.g. dynamite).
  • New name for the mod.

I hope that I’m gonna finish it in the next two months. I will then open up a new thread.

Here are some screenshots to show the improvements:

Edit: Removed pictures

Wow. After looking at those images, I want in. If you decide to upload it, please let us know.

Good job in covering up those stretched cliff textures and adding the different atmosphere effects give a greater effect as well.

I’ll check this out when you eventually get an upload out and will provide some feedback on your environments if you want.

Hopefully once I get something rolling out on my own new map I’ll learn a bit more about the Modding Tools and we can discuss a few things when it comes to creating environments.

Really really impressive stone and rock works stuff there. Looks very natural. You really got the touch with steep rock cliff. Keep it up man!