Map Room Protector in SR seems oddly strong

The three map room sentinel bosses who spawn in SR seem to do way higher damage than everything else. I just ran 5 shards without resetting, and fighting 2/3 of these bosses at SR70 was doing similar damage to me as Iron Maiden at SR75. Everything else was doing more or less scratch damage, but these guys were making me pop all my cooldowns to avoid getting killed.

Anyone else have a similar experience?

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the 2 map room protectors deals basically mainly phys dmg, beefed up watchers from ToH
Bellog sunders, which then means you can take 3 enemies phys dmg “in general”, but amplified if sundered on top
and they debuff you too, which can be impactful on ex chars relying on lifesteal
funnily enough i kinda feel they can hurt more than Maiden does now on some toons :sweat_smile:

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