Map won't load

I just bought the early accest version of the game and tried to start my first settlement, the cinematic played normaly, yet the loading screen won’t end, and eventually the game crashes, so i never got to play

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Did you try verifying the game files?

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Thank you
Yes, just verified, all in order, now i’m reinstalling the game to try again


Please try verifying the game files on steam as Medea suggested above. Also, try starting a new map set to the small size and see if that gets you into the game. As an extra precaution, use a generated map seed by clicking the randomize button next to the seed a few times.

It worked!
I was trying to load the large maps, it takes a long time to load and sometimes crashes, but smaller maps are doing fine.
Thanks for the tips

Something else to note. Large maps taking long to load may appear as a crash especially if windows is complaining that the game is taking too long to respond. It may feel normal to click on the game window thinking the game is frozen only for windows to bring up such a dialog. Chances are that the game has not crashed and just needs some more time to finish what it is doing before responding.

I have the same problem, but verifying did not help. So did not restarting steam and reinstalling (and verifying again).

I start a new map, easy settings and medium mapsize and after that, the screen stays black. I have now a collected more than 1 hour of watching the black screen.

Anything else I could try or any other informations you need?

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When exactly do you get a black screen? Do you end up seeing the loading screen/bar at all? Does this happen with a small map as well? Is the game running on a SSD or HDD? Does it have a few gigs of space empty?

Is your My Documents/ folder routed to a potential network drive?

I am still having issues as well. I was able to play once but after that no more. Ive tried verifying files, reinstalling, lowered the settings, switched to small map but it still is doing its forever load. Ive gone through a few shows on netflix on my ipad waiting. I got it to work at first by lowering all of my settings for the game but once i logged off i cant get back on.

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