Master's Spellblade Discussion

As much as I love ppl confirming how strong pet builds are there is no way the Master’s Blade will stay like that. A Plaguebearer of the Abyss Master’s blade is stronger than a T2 devotion (i.e. Manticore) + any type of legendary you can think of in terms of resistance shredding.

In fact, Crate should address 4 things in

  1. The Haunt Relic - why is this lvl 30 relic 3x stronger than a T3 devotion and 2x stronger than a lvl 94 legendary set ?

  2. The Master’s Blade - yes, chaos as a damage type has its shortcomings but the Master’s Blade is OP. I use this thing on my Chaos/Vit Witchblade. It makes the Fang of Ch’ton look like a yellow item. In fact, it allows you to gear however you want since the blade >>> Manticore + Open Hand combined. Also, given 1) the thousands of crystals most players will accumulate over several playthroughs, and 2) the hundreds of roiling blood vials, it is so easy to craft that most ppl will eventually hit a “Plaguebearer” or “of the Abyss”.

  3. Skeleton scaling - this was discussed before actually…

AND (4) The massively short cooldown of Bone Harvest + Ravenous Earth that trivialises the Crucible in combination with Ulzuin’s buff.

P.S.: This has nothing to do with the build here (which is very good) with the exception of the Master’s Blade, ofc. It’s just that I hope Zantai has a look at that item + the Haunt relic.

I cant judge cuz dont know shit about pet build, but it surely looks cool :slight_smile:

I do agree about masters spelblade issue just slight corection, it can roll only with one affix, suffix or prefix, but never both, so you cant get Plaguebearer of the Abyss. Beside I thought that Plaguebearer prefix was nerfed and that you cant get more than 40is flat rr on spelblade :confused:

Yes - that is true for ppl who play legitimately, but there will always be ppl who don’t give a **** about that and will ignore this restrictions.

For the rest of us who, however, even a 40 flat roll is OP. What is more OP, as I said, is that this is a craftable weapon which is:

  1. easy to craft;
  2. stronger than a T2 devotion and 99% of legendary items.

Because it rolls only one affix you can experiment all you want and you will eventually get it…

It is OP but far from broken, they addressed it and it seems fine now. Not every build will use it despite the incredibly high RR value on it
Also, balancing decisions are made around people who play the game legitimately, so what you say doesn’t really matter about 2 affixes on single blade

As for the rest of it, no comments on skellies
For Haunt, a nerf is required but an overnerf should be avoided, if anything they should increase the Life Leech RR value on Rattosh

Looks like the Master’s Spellblade has evaded tuning passes on resist reduction on items several times over the years.

15 Resist Reduction feels more appropriate baseline, which puts it in line with comparable items, especially when stacked with Plague Bearer’s.

Though you might get to enjoy it for an extra patch.

Can you move this discussion, please? None of this pertains to the build itself besides maybe Master’s spellblade. Even though discussing potential nerfs should be avoided in build threads

DaShiv makes another broken pet build? I guess the sky is still blue :smiley:

The pets are pretty absurd too imo, but we don’t hear about them being insane often because most people play pet builds casually. If you’re ever going to nerf them, do it in such a way that it doesn’t impact newer players or people without all the gear.

Those people will not have an impact on the balancing of the game.

A few item tweaks and adjustment to skeleton damage is about all that’s changing in v1.0.3.0. Skeleton damage was mostly a shift from the base skill to the modifier, though archers/mages took an overall hit to their damage.

Don’t think it’s going to impact casual players very much, other than actually making leveling a skeleton build a little less trivial.

I’m happy to hear that, more so given the fact that making a strong character legitimately gives you some sense of accomplishment one might otherwise miss.

In terms of the Master’s blade…well, I’ve done some testing and crafted 50 of those 10 minutes ago.

  • It rolled once with 43 RR flat.
  • It rolled once with 47 RR (!!!).
  • and once it rolled with the “of Abyss” at a reasonable 23 + 12%.

Now, most ppl would say the item is not broken and perhaps that is right. But the number one build that benefits from this item the most - besides pet masters that is - are retaliation tanks. I don’t know - it doesn’t seem nice to me that my 19k HP +6k armour retaliation witchblade hits 450.000 due to that item. Something seems off…

I don’t have a real comparative example to know for sure, but I felt Skeletons were in an ok spot, though it might not be intended to be as relaxed as it’s been.

Biggest issue, is that I have 11 summons (Cabalyst), and only about 5 want to follow me at once. the rest just teleport to my location. it’s mostly just a visual concern, since they are usually all in battle.

And yet retaliation is still an immensely slow and generally poor choice, unless you’re farming something like Ravager.

Sounds balanced to me.

Edit: +1 to the suggestion of moving a Master’s Spellblade/RR discussion elsewhere. Sorry, DaShiv.


Another +1 from my side, this discussion is bound to continue

This is a bug that is addressed in v1.0.3.0.

Anybody else got build threads they want to report for getting off-topic that have items we missed in the past…:eek:

Yeah, no, getting 47 flat resist reduction on a single item is insane regardless if it’s crafted or not.

Personally I feel that it was good for quirky builds, helping them to function.

Like full retaliation for bigger numbers.

It happens to work very well with pets because of how pets work. If you look at shiv’s build he didn’t invest fully in hound but in skelle’s cause of how pets work again.

I’ts pets in general that need tuning

This would be true if a lot of builds use it
But that isn’t the case here, Chaos builds utilize it (this is the only way for them to melt their enemies considering the lack of %damage to chthonians), Aether builds can make use of it, it’s useful to Retaliation builds

That RR is impressive but that item isn’t usable by many builds and the ones that do use it aren’t broken in any way, if those builds are broken I’d dare say that RR alone is the factor here. DaShiv’s pet build’s performance depends more on pets being overtuned in general than this particular item

Yes, it is an amazingly slow and poor choice WITHOUT fevered rage. After I took Ravager’s head off, I remade the build with a more offensive setup in mind (i.e. only 3400 DA and 6k armour - with procs, ofc).

Fevered Rage Witchblade is actually pretty fast…
For every person who plays HC, lvl. 65 will be a godsend. That is when you replace all poor retaliation weapons with the Master’s Spellblade. The weapon allows all lightning + acid/poison + pierce retaliation damage to skyrocket.

The reason I bring this up is simple - retaliation cannot crit and access to RR is poor. In fact, if you don’t go for assassin’s mark there is almost no option for increasing your damage output in a multiplicative manner. 60-70% of retaliation gear comes in the pierce modality, so when you get a 47 flat reduction, that means a lot. Add to that the Mythical Avenger of Cairn + Zolhan and you have the potential to get astronomical values of damage during Menhir’s Will. As long as you have another layer of circuit-breakers (e.g. MoD), the thing will allow you to farm IM + Fabius on HC even if you don’t have otherwise good gear. You will also farm them enormously fast due to Fevered Rage.

Now, I haven’t posted this character yet because I still hope to get a 8 sec MQ kill out of it. 12-15 sec, however - I’ve done it !

It doesn’t matter if many builds use it or barely none use it, that is way too much flat resist in a single item. It makes Acid Spray and other flat resist sources nearly pointless.

Against your ravager 6k armor maybe works. I had to go for 10 K and get my RR from Myth open hand of mercy. So master spellblade is not an option for me. Outside of ravager I get Assassin’s mark and bind it to Pox

Also MQ 13 sec kill is no surprise since she is DW like Fabius. They are the fastest kills of all. Especially Fabius if he does an execute proc and debuffs himself via rflect.