Maximizing PB shotgun potential

Now that frenetic throw has lost its conversion, the NB conduit that adds 8 aether projectiles to Phantasmal Blades looks very neat for building potential. Is there an established trick/movement skill/prayer to getting within proper shotgun range so that your whole 13-shot spread hits the same hitbox consistently? Sample build for reference.

1st of all: You are aware, that that conduit spreads PB in a 360° circle? (Cause I wasn’t before I saw it, either - since skill description does not tell).
So - no, I guess? You would need to stand inside the enemy.

i think someone discovered the nova originated in such a way that if you were left shoulder facing the enemy it would largely shotgun it?
I remember there being some talks about it after it got added, “being potentially exploitative”, but iirc tricky to pull off consistently in a manner to deliberately apply it constantly to ex Cruci runs, so it shouldn’t be worried about in terms of nerfing the conduit(back then)

I think @nofika4u had the really strong aether PB back then, unsure if he can/wants to elaborate on the shotgun/nova? (if not sry for the tag :sweat_smile: :pray:)